What Is a Steam Oven? Pros and Cons of the Popular Kitchen Appliance

Steam ovens can be full steam, convection, or a combination. Learn how this handy kitchen appliance works.

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A steam oven offers a great way to get healthier, fresher, and tastier food without adjusting your recipes or shopping list. Cooking with steam is an old cooking technique that had largely gone out of style, but steam oven technology is making a comeback.

This type of oven uses water vapor to bake, steam, or reheat food. Unlike traditional ovens and microwaves, steam ovens retain food moisture and nutrients. Billed as a gentler and healthier cooking method, it is enjoying an uptick in popularity. Learn more about the different types of steam ovens, how they work, and their pros and cons.

What Is a Steam Oven?

As the name suggests, a steam oven cooks using hot steam (wet heat). It combines baking with steaming in one appliance. You can bake, brown, roast, and reheat leftovers in a steam oven.

Steam ovens are either plumbed or not plumbed. Plumbed units connect to a water line; you need a professional plumber for the installation. Non-plumbed ovens must be filled manually before use. Steam ovens use gas or electricity to heat the water to the required temperature.

Steam ovens, including full steam, combination (combi), and convection ovens, come in various sizes and designs, including countertop and built-in models. The ideal choice depends on your needs, preferences, and budget. Countertop versions cost around $400–$600, while built-in steam ovens cost about $1,500 to $3,000. Expect to spend even more for top-of-the-line or custom models.

How Steam Ovens Work

Most full steam ovens have a water canister or tank inside the oven cavity. These ovens work similarly to stovetop steaming baskets but with greater ease, efficiency, and control. Water is drawn from the tank through a pump into a built-in boiler. Water is then heated to 212°F to produce steam, which is released into the oven to facilitate cooking. The humidity is adjustable between 30 and 100%. Since moisture is kept at optimum levels, cooked food needs less oil and seasoning.

Convection and combination steam ovens have the dual functionality of a traditional oven and a full steam oven. These appliances can reach the same temperatures and moisture levels as a full steam oven.

Steam Ovens vs. Traditional Ovens

Traditional ovens use hot air to cook food and require additional seasoning, oil, or fat to cook food to taste. Steam ovens are considered healthier than standard ovens because the food retains its natural textures, colors, flavors, and nutritional value.

Compared to traditional ovens, steam ovens cook faster and use less energy. They reduce the cooking time significantly, particularly when preparing large quantities of food. However, steam ovens tend to be smaller than regular ovens.

Pros and Cons of Using a Steam Oven

As with most appliances, steam ovens come with both pros and cons.


  • One of the great benefits of cooking with a steam oven is flavor. Steam ovens retain food's natural moisture and prevent drying.

  • There is a reduced risk of burning.

  • A steam oven is incredibly versatile for many cooking techniques, including baking, roasting, or slow cooking.

  • Because water is a more efficient heat conductor than air, these ovens are faster than traditional ovens, saving home chefs loads of cooking time.

  • Non-plumbed steam ovens are convenient to install. You don't need to change the plumbing in your kitchen, so it's easy to DIY the installation. However, the plumbed models need to connect to a water line, and you may need a professional plumber.


  • Full steam or steam-only ovens can't heat without water. You must manually refill the water canister regularly for non-plumbed ovens.

  • They don't have conventional ovens' browning or grilling capabilities.

  • While steam ovens can cook almost anything, they are not great for baking desserts, like cake or pie, that are known for a classic golden-brown finish.

  • Full steam ovens can't reach the same high temperatures as traditional ovens, so they do not produce crisp roasts. However, a combi steam oven could.

  • Steam ovens tend to be more costly than their standard counterparts.

  • Most of the options in the market are not self-cleaning, so you have to purchase cleaning equipment and handle the dirty work. They also tend to require more maintenance than traditional ovens.

Types of Steam Ovens

Full steam ovens: These use steam as the only heating element. They operate 100% on steam, and most models have built-in programs that allow you to adjust the steam percentage for specific dishes. Full steam ovens are excellent replacements for a standard microwave oven.

Convection and combi steam ovens: These offer the best of both worlds with the option to heat with hot air or steam. They function as both standard ovens and steamers. When shopping for this type, look for models that allow you the flexibility to cook with hot air only, 100% steam, or a combination of both.

Note that some conventional oven models can add humidity or moisture, but they don‘t reach 100% humidity. These are not true combi or convection steam ovens. Instead, they are called “added moisture” or “added humidity” ovens.

Ideal Cooking Techniques for Steam Ovens

You can bake, brown, roast, grill food, and defrost and reheat leftovers. Steam ovens are fantastic at cooking most food, including vegetables, meat, fish, pasta, bread, dumplings, and desserts. They shine when it comes to cooking vegetable dishes. The vegetables are steamed to tender-crisp perfection while retaining their nutrients.

Tips for Using a Steam Oven Effectively

Keep the water container filled to ensure it works properly. A steam oven relies on moisture to cook the food. Failure to refill the water canister affects the cooking process and the outcome; food may not cook properly. It may also damage your oven. For plumbed full steam ovens, ensure the plumbing is done correctly. Otherwise, water leaking can become a safety hazard.

Take note of the different steam levels. They might include full steam and high, medium, or low humidity. Full steam is ideal for cooking vegetables, rice, and seafood. High humidity works well for custards, medium for braised meat or roasted fish, and low humidity is ideal for meat, poultry, and baking.

Clean your oven after use. Avoid harsh chemicals and follow the manufacturer's care instructions for the best results.

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Reasons to Buy a Steam Oven

A steam oven is a good choice for health-conscious individuals. It rarely needs additional oil and seasoning to make meals enjoyable. It retains moisture and nutrients, leaving food fresher and more flavorful with fewer calories.

A full steam oven also cooks quickly and is excellent for batch cooking. Although it's more costly than standard ovens, its energy efficiency and health benefits offset the cost.

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