Stay Tuned, Pisces—Your January Horoscope Says Inspiration Could Strike at Any Moment

Welcome to a brand new year filled with endless possibilities! Your Pisces horoscope for January 2023 wants you to balance your dreamy and sensitive side with your more driven and practical side. Neptune—your modern ruling planet—is still moving through your 1st house of identity. During this time, your empathy and intuition inevitably increases, allowing you to sense the energies of the people around you without even trying. Creativity will come easily to you so it may be a good idea to carry a notebook and write down your ideas as they come. Follow the inspiration as it strikes!

Venus—planet of love and luxury—forms a favorable aspect with Neptune at the beginning of the month, increasing your charm and setting the stage for a romantic encounter. If you’re single and looking for love, this may be the time to consider dating. Just make sure to stay tethered to reality so you don’t find yourself looking through rose-colored glasses. 

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From the 11th house of long-term goals, the sun in Capricorn shines on Neptune in Pisces as of January 13. This is an excellent time to envision your future as your potential to manifest grows. Your heightened intuition can help you to realize what you want and formulate a plan so you can implement your newfound purpose. Peer into yourself and determine what desires are worth pursuing. The answers are already within you, as long as you’re willing to excavate them.

Image: Getty; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Image: Getty; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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Meanwhile, courageous Mars will be in your 4th house of home and family, fueling your desire for security. full of energy, you’ll surprise yourself by taking charge of your private affairs. Make concrete strides on your home repairs and initiate new family activities. Now is the time to build that new shelf or start the family game night or maybe just tackle that pile of laundry in the corner of your room. Let old hesitations go and take charge!

On January 29, you can expect to feel inspired and motivated as Venus smiles on Mars and asks you to take new risks and dive into your passions. With Mars and Venus energies combining, you will be able to implement practical steps to actualize your dreams. Visualize what you want, put in the work, and nothing can stop you, Pisces!

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For the Year 2023

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