5 back pain-busting essentials, according to chiropractor Dr. Justin Lewis

After the last few years, many of us are experiencing back and body pain daily from a variety of causes — sitting hunched over for hours at a time at the computer, chronic pain, injuries, and good ol' stress and anxiety. How can we work to relieve that pain from the comfort of home?

Chiropractor Dr. Justin Lewis sat down with us to share his top five pain-reducing essentials that every body needs, because pain shouldn't be a constant. Lewis founded Get Adjusted Chiropractic P.C. in 2019 with the goal of helping all patients take the necessary steps towards a pain-free lifestyle, and thanks to social media, his tips and expert recommendations have helped thousands find their relief.

These are Dr. Lewis' favorite products to soothe, relieve, and thrive!

Video Transcript

- Hey, I'm Dr. Justin Lewis and I adjust bodies for a living. Check out what five things no body should live without in my stash.


One of my favorite products used in the office which I use them every single person is called Theragun. It's basically like a little jackhammer that you can kind of use on knots, muscle tension, anything like that. The strong vibrations of the Theragun is really awesome because that repetitive nature kind of hitting the same spot increases blood flow area. It feels amazing when you do it.

This is the CBD cream I use. People always ask me what can you recommend when it comes to pain relief at home? And if I use a product that helps kind of soothe the muscle, like a topical or relaxant, take some tension off as I work on people, it's a win-win every time. But when it comes to any sort of Gua Sha tool, most common remedy is one you use on your face to kind of increase drainage.

But how I use in the office is a scraping tool. So most people that come in with tight shoulders, tight neck, and all that, I use like a little CBD cream. And what I'll do is I'll repetitively scrape the same area over and over and over to increase blood flow area, get rid of the tight muscles, lengthen muscles. A lot of patients always complained of acute pain at home. So something that's like a newer product that is called EMS. It's the electrical muscle stimulation.

Sends an electrical current which will basically penetrate the muscles, reduce inflammation, and loosen it up. It's meant for temporary pain relief. I always recommend going to a doctor when your pain, but this is one of those ones when if you have acute pain, came on with no mechanism injury, you can really just put it on yourself. One thing I always recommend to have at home is a stress ball.

Literally, if you're on a call, doing work, doesn't matter. Put it in your hand, squeeze it, get rid of that tension. I know it seems like a simple concept when you're squeezing a ball. What you're doing is you're increasing muscle tension and you're slowly decreasing muscle tension. So you're increasing blood flow to area, decreasing blood flow area, and will relieve built up tension in different spots.

It's nice to have so many different applications that are inexpensive, easily attainable, and stuff that you can kind of use at home to help your own problem. I'm Dr. Justin Lewis. And that's what's in my stash.