This is the new Starbucks secret drink that’s about to be all over your Instagram feed

This is the new Starbucks secret drink that’s about to be all over your Instagram feed
This is the new Starbucks secret drink that’s about to be all over your Instagram feed

Food enthusiasts know all about secret menus. From In-N-Out to McDonald’s, our favorite one-stop shops have a whole list of hidden concoctions to make each visit better than the rest. Our fave coffee brewery has one of its own, and Starbucks newest unicorn drink is going to be all the rage!

Don’t fret if you didn’t know about Star-B’s secret menu — you’re totally not alone! There’s no better way to show you’re one of the cool kids than by showing off this new unicorn colored beverage. And, we’ve got all of the ordering deets for you!

Starbuck’s newest two-toned beverage looks like unicorn dreams, and we want it now!

Isn’t it lovely?!

It’s call the Matcha Pink Drink, and according to Daily Food Feed on Instagram, ordering it is pretty simple. Just start with summer’s popular pink drink (strawberry acai refresher with coconut milk), and add matcha coconut milk! With this new invention, you’ll totally shut down those one-tone colorful secret drinkers.

Now, we can’t guarantee that the mixture tastes great, but it’s definitely pleasing to the eye. And it’ll certainly add some pizazz to your Instagram feeds.

We can’t wait to see what secret bev drinkers come up with this summer.