Is The Starbucks PSL Coming Back This Year? Here's What We Know

I enjoy summer as much as the next gal, but if I'm being honest, fall is absolutely my favorite season. Once the calendar hits August, I'm already thinking about when I'll be able to get my hands on pumpkin-flavored EVERYTHING and I'm sure you're right there with me on that. It goes without saying that the Starbucks pumpkin spice latte is the MVP of autumn, so here's what you need to know about its anticipated return.

While there is no official information on the drink's return quite yet, we can look to what Starbucks has done in the past to get some insight. For the past couple years, Starbucks has brought back the coveted PSL on the last Tuesday in August, so here's hoping that pattern is followed again or is at least a clue as to when the drink may be back.

This year will be the 18th (!) year the pumpkin spice latte has hit menus, and recently, Starbucks has broadened their pumpkin-related offerings in the form of the Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew. Pair either of these drinks with a slice of pumpkin bread for the ultimate quick fall breakfast. Last year, Starbucks also added a Salted Caramel Mocha (which can be ordered as a Frappuccino too), a Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffin, and a Pumpkin Scone to the fall line up too.

In the meantime, as more information becomes available about the PSL and other fall products at Starbucks, we'll update this post. Savor these next few weeks of summer while they're here but get excited for all the pumpkin spice fun to come!!

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