A Starbucks Barista Confused Helen Hunt For A Completely Different Actress

From Delish

We've all experienced the frustration of finding the wrong name on our Starbucks cup. Usually we can shrug off the mistake, assuming that the barista is just a horrible speller or hard of hearing-but some screw-ups are unforgivable.

On Monday, actress Helen Hunt ordered a drink at an unidentified Starbucks location and received her shaken iced tea with a hilarious error scribbled on the side. The barista wasn't blind to the fact that they were serving a celebrity, but confused Hunt with Jodie Foster. Sure, the two actresses are similar in age and both have blonde hair, but the barista's over-confidence is the most cringe-worthy part of the story. Hunt tweeted about the snafu, ensuring that the poor Starbuck's employee will never live it down.

Did we mention that even if it had been Jodie Foster looking for a caffeine fix, that the barista would have spelled her name wrong? Luckily, Starbucks apologized via Twitter, with a witty reference to one of Hunt's films:

Still, a serious face-palm moment for Starbucks. Maybe they'd be better off with more locations where they can't ask your name.

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