Starbucks Has New Back-to-School Cups That You’ll Want Even If You’re Not a Student

Photo credit: Instagram @casugarco; @tiffhuny2
Photo credit: Instagram @casugarco; @tiffhuny2

From House Beautiful

School might be looking a little different this year come September, but Starbucks isn’t letting that change its new back-to-school-inspired cups. Even if your days of homework and asking to use the bathroom are long behind you, the cups are fun for anyone to sip their coffee from.

Thanks to various Instagram accounts, we can see that there are new hot cups and cold cups. The star seems to be the venti black tumbler with little designs, including lightning bolts, lips with “coffee,” stars, an apple with “lunch break,” ice cubes, “chill,” or more quirky details. It also comes in a clear option.

There’s also a cold cup that has the composition notebook pattern. You get to personalize it with the stickers it comes with, such as a heart with “wake up,” stars, an apple with “lunch break,” lightning bolts, and other similar designs featured on the other cups.

Other options include a white hot travel cup that’s covered in those animated designs. There’s even a pack of cold cups, similar to those color-changing cups, that feature one of the quirky details mentioned earlier. Oh, and there’s also a lightning bolt tote bag that will be perfect for keeping your books organized (whenever you do go back to a school setting).

It seems that many of the new cups and tumblers have been spotted at Starbucks locations that are inside of Target. So if you don’t have luck in a standalone Starbucks, you might want to head to Target (twist our arms, you know?).

While the back-to-school cups were designed with class in mind, they’re not so much so that non-students can’t use them. So pretend you’re back in the classroom and get yourself a graduate-worthy cup!

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