Star Wars: Ahsoka Timeline – Here’s When The Show Takes Place

Confused about when <span class="caas-xray-inline-tooltip"><span class="caas-xray-inline caas-xray-entity caas-xray-pill rapid-nonanchor-lt" data-entity-id="Ahsoka_(TV_series)" data-ylk="cid:Ahsoka_(TV_series);pos:1;elmt:wiki;sec:pill-inline-entity;elm:pill-inline-text;itc:1;cat:TvSeries;" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="dialog"><a href="" data-i13n="cid:Ahsoka_(TV_series);pos:1;elmt:wiki;sec:pill-inline-entity;elm:pill-inline-text;itc:1;cat:TvSeries;" tabindex="-1" data-ylk="slk:Ahsoka;cid:Ahsoka_(TV_series);pos:1;elmt:wiki;sec:pill-inline-entity;elm:pill-inline-text;itc:1;cat:TvSeries;" class="link ">Ahsoka</a></span></span> takes place in the Star Wars timeline? We got you.<p>Disney+</p>
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Star Wars is getting pretty complicated with all those Disney+ shows, huh? On top of that, Star Wars: Ahsoka Episode 5 contained some flashbacks to events in the past that were only shown in animated series so far, adding another layer of complexity to figuring out when Ahsoka is set.

It’s actually not that difficult, though, as we are here to help out. Here’s everything you need to know about the Star Wars timeline and the Ahsoka show’s place on it.

Let’s begin with a short introduction of the dating system – over the decades, several different dating systems for Star Wars events have found use, both in-universe and outside of it. I’ll use the most prominent of these, as I’m most familiar with it myself: BBY and ABY. That stands for “Before the Battle of Yavin” and “After the Battle of Yavin” respectively and uses the destruction of the First Death Star in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope as point zero. This means everything happening before Episode IV would be dated with BBY and everything happening afterwards with ABY.

Star Wars: Ahsoka timeline

With that out of the way, this gives us the following timeline for Star Wars: Ahsoka:

  • Attack of the Clones: 22 BBY

  • The Clone Wars: 22-19 BBY (flashback events of Star Wars: Ahsoka)

  • Revenge of the Sith: 19 BBY

  • Rebels: 5 BBY-0 ABY

  • A New Hope: 0 ABY

  • The Empire Strikes Back: 3 ABY

  • Return of the Jedi: 4 ABY

  • The Mandalorian/Ahsoka: 9 ABY (current events of Star Wars: Ahsoka)

  • The Force Awakens: 34 ABY

Star Wars: Ahsoka mainly takes place in 9 ABY, concurrently with The Mandalorian. That’s nine years after Episode IV and five years after Episode VI.

Things, of course, are different with the flashbacks seen in the latest episode of the show. Those are dated way back in the BBY era: The Battle of Teth and the Battle of Ryloth (the first two of the three flashback scenes) were fought in 22 BBY, the year Episode II: Attack of the Clones happened. The Siege of Mandalore, the third and final flashback scene, happened concurrently with the events of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith in 19 BBY.

I’ve added the time window of Star Wars: Rebels as well, since it’s basically the prequel show to Ahsoka, introducing many of its characters and narrative backgrounds.

As you can see, there is quite a bit of time between Ahsoka and The Force Awakens, which gives Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau ample space to tell stories through their Disney+ shows and movies.

For more information on the latest episode of Ahsoka, check out our Jacen Syndulla explained and Purgill explained articles, which break down some stuff that might be unclear to people who haven’t seen Star Wars: Rebels.