Stand-Up Paddler Finds Huge Great White Shark 'Bigger Than Board' (Clip)

It seems like 2023 has been the year of the shark.

Nope, it's not a new addition to the Chinese zodiac. There's been countless shark encounters this year—the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Recently we saw a video of two big great white sharks following a stand-up paddler. But it's the other way around in the clip below.

Earlier this month, The Malibu Artist posted the drone footage above and captioned it:

"This is the same shark that was super active that I posted a few days ago. The one that accelerated and broke the surface briefly.

"It's easily bigger than the stand-up paddle board seen here.

"Again. Not all sharks on our coast are the small juveniles. Give them space folks."

The clip above shows a stand-up paddler coming up behind a really big great white shark, which is different from most shark and human encounters we've seen lately. Most are the other way around—the shark sneaks up on the surfer.

Sometimes, the person doesn't even realize the shark is there.

Not in this case.

In this video, the paddleboarder sees the shark and changes his course, veering to the right away from the shark.

Crises averted.

From checking out the photographer's Instagram trail, it looks like this is the post he mentioned in the caption above.

He captioned it:

"A very active sub-adult great white shark I found yesterday. It's not often I see them this excited. The speed at which this shark accelerated is pretty incredible! I measured this one at around 12 feet long when it approached a surfer on an 11-foot SUP."


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