The Spruce's "Houseplants Made Easy" Print Issue Is Here!

Everything you need to know about our second-ever issue

<p>The Spruce / Photo by Jay Wilde / Styled by Molly Sinnett / Art Direction by Kim Metz</p>

The Spruce / Photo by Jay Wilde / Styled by Molly Sinnett / Art Direction by Kim Metz

Here at The Spruce, we are all about helping you making your best home. Not the best, but your best — whatever is right for you and your life. We want to help you decorate your home in your favorite style, get into a cleaning routine that works with your schedule, renovate at your comfort level, and care for plants that bring you joy and beautify your space.

At The Spruce, we believe that anyone can get a houseplant and succeed in caring for it. Just because you've killed one (or two) in the past doesn't mean you're bad at houseplants. All you need is better guidance, and some help finding the right plant for you and your home. Caring for houseplants is a rewarding and joyful hobby, so we've dedicated an entire magazine to making the process simple. We're takeing the confusion and mystery out of houseplants, so you can get to what's important: enjoying them.

To BuyThe Spruce Houseplants Made Easy,

Welcoming The Spruce Houseplants Made Easy

Welcome to our special edition magazineThe Spruce Houseplants Made Easy. The issue marks our second foray into print, following the debut of our first issue on cleaning. Whether you already own a bevy of leafy beauties or you've killed a few plants and have sworn off more, Houseplants Made Easy is a must-have guide for every kind of plant parent. Inside you'll find everything you need to know about successfully caring for plants, from understanding what "bright, indirect light" means to getting rid of pests. You'll also find lists of the best houseplants for different light levels and rooms, and the answers to your toughest houseplant questions.

We'll also reveal The Spruce's Houseplant All-Stars, our top-rated houseplant products that performed above and beyond in our testing lab or in our rigorous product research. We are confident that these items will make caring for houseplants easier and set you up for success. We've found everything from the prettiest indoor planters to great fertilizers and everything in between.

There's nothing more important than getting readers the right information (especially when there are so many myths and "hacks" about houseplant care). Each article is carefully researched and written by pros before it is reviewed for accuracy by our Gardening and Plant Care Review Board, made up of Master Gardeners, a Certified Arborist, and board-certified entomologist (a.k.a. a pest expert), so you can be sure you're getting the best advice.

Our Goal for Readers

We want to take the guesswork out of caring for houseplants. A plant can't verbally tell you if it needs light, water, or soil, but our magazine can be its translator. Over the years, your houseplants will grow new leaves and change their shape, and The Spruce Houseplants Made Easy will be with you every step of the way. And once you feel good about the plant you've got, the magazine will guide you to the next right plant or skill on your houseplant journey.

Where to Read the Magazine

The Spruce Houseplants Made Easy is on sale now at grocery stores, convenience stores, and everywhere magazines are sold, as well as on Amazon and here at

Catch our first print issue, The Spruce Cleaning Made Easy, also at And keep an eye out for The Spruce on newsstands near you — more is yet to come.