What spring means for each zodiac sign, according to a celebrity astrologer

There's a reason why springtime is magical and, according to celebrity astrologer Lisa Stardust, it's not just because of the warmer weather. (Photo Getty Creative)
There's a reason why springtime is magical and, according to celebrity astrologer Lisa Stardust, it's not just because of the warmer weather. (Photo Getty Creative)

After many months of dreary gray skies and chilly temperatures, the sunshine of the springtime alone can feel like magic.

Spring is often thought of as a time of rebirth: The flowers begin to bloom and the snow, darkness and decay of winter melt away, transitioning us into a new season. But according to Lisa Stardust, an NYC-based celebrity astrologer and author of Saturn Return Survival Guide, there's more than just sunshine to thank for that magical springtime energy.

Spring brings Aries season

"Spring is a really important time astrologically because it is the beginning of Aries season, the first sign of the zodiac," Stardust tells Yahoo Life. "It represents the astrological new year, which this year is on March 20th: The first day of Aries season, International Astrology Day and the Spring Equinox"

Stardust likens each star sign to the growth stages of a child as they flourish into adulthood. Aries is the very beginning of that journey, which she compares to the very earliest stages of life and the joys and difficulties that accompany it.

"Aries is the baby of the zodiac signs," Stardust explains. "As fire signs, Aries are known for being temperamental and passionate. The spark that gets everything started on the zodiac, they're always looking forward. They can be impulsive and because of this impulsivity, they can be known to have quite the temper when pushed as well."

The Aries in all of us

Whether or not you're an Aries, the energy of Aries season has an impact everyone's on emotions and motivations at this time of year. Every zodiac sign has a planetary ruler, Stardust says, and that planetary ruler can help us determine what the energy will be like during an upcoming season.

This Aries season, Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries, is going to be in Pisces: Comparing that knowledge to tarot cards, this alignment would be similar to a Ten of Cups, a card Stardust says signifies the dream of a happily ever after.

Celebrity astrologer Lisa Stardust says this spring will be a time for
Celebrity astrologer Lisa Stardust says this spring will be a time for "happily ever afters." (Photo: Lisa Stardust)

"It's a time to put in all efforts to make sure things turn out happily ever after — to do whatever it takes to be happy, not just to get the job done," says Stardust. "When Mars is in Aries, it's a time to work really hard to get things accomplished, but Mars in Pisces has a different objective: You do whatever it takes to be happy."

Neptune and Jupiter usher in the good

In addition, Stardust explains this particular Aries season is unlike any other we have experienced in this lifetime ... or will ever experience again because of the "Neptune and Jupiter conjunction."

"The last time the two planets aligned in Pisces like they are this Aries season, was in 1856, and it won't happen again until 2188," she says. "This truly is a once-in-a-lifetime."Jupiter travels through each zodiac sign each year, but Neptune can take about 14 years to complete the journey. On April 12, 2022, the two will align in Pisces during the Aries season.

"This is an amazing transit that is really going to have a big impact on our spirituality," Stardust adds. "Our dreams, our visions, what we want to do with our lives — it's a time to commit to what you love or, if you don't want to commit, know there is something better out there to love."

The conjunction of Neptune and Jupiter is a great day to manifest. Stardust shares we should even expect to see a plethora of joyful wedding and relationship announcements.

“Neptune is a planet that wants to unconditionally believe in dreams and visions," Stardust explains. "When heightened, it's a time when people put on their rose-colored glasses, overlooking the flaws in others and feeling a longing to jump in and feel connected."

"Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and worldly vision," she adds. "When Jupiter is in Pisces, it gives us an altruistic warm fuzzy feeling, pushing people to commit and give their hearts to another." On top of that, Jupiter and Neptune are planetary rulers of Pisces, which means that these emotions, feelings and desires for love will be even stronger.

Late spring predictions

Other dates to look forward to this spring are in Taurus season. On April 27, the Venus and Neptune conjunction in Pisces will be followed by the Venus and Jupiter conjunction on April 30, where Venus will be exalted in Pisces. Simply put: Both of these events also indicate a really great time for love.

With many cosmically powerful days ahead, how do we use the lunar and solar energy of the season to our advantage? Stardust says the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 is going to speak to relationships, as people will reevaluate and make-or-break-it in their relationships. Taurus is the sign of relationships, and people should use this time to decide if their partnerships are working.

The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16 will bring finances into focus. With Mercury in retrograde from May 10 through June 3, going through the signs of Gemini back to Taurus, there will also be a lot of conflicted feelings about what we want and expect from others and ourselves.

Lastly, as Jupiter enters Aries on May 10, we may feel an extra boost of energy as the alignment brings things to life. "I think this is a great time to manifest your destiny and fall in love," Stardust says of the spring season. "With all this Pisces energy, try to do some grounding work and just keep yourself afloat — it's easy to get sucked into the waves."

A springtime guide for every sign

As we head into this magical Aries season, Stardust says each zodiac sign will want to proceed differently to ensure they're using the energy of the coming weeks to their advantage. Curious where to focus your energy this spring? Stardust shares insights for each zodiac sign below.

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Aries: "This is a time out of hibernation," says Stardust. "Go out to party, step out into the limelight, have a good time and enjoy yourself. For Aries, this is also a great time to launch new projects."

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Taurus: "This is a time of reflection and relaxation before Taurus season," says Stardust. "In this season focus on resting your bones and preparing for your season ahead."

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Gemini: "This is a time to reconnect with friends," Stardust shares. "Maybe plan an event like an equinox lunch or dinner. See people and catch up. Also, it's a great time to log into LinkedIn, revise your resume and check in with old job connections, as they could be the source of your next big career opportunity."

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Cancer: "For you, work is poppin'," advises Stardust. "You are beginning to shine at the office and people are taking note."

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Leo: "You may be longing for something new to believe in, leading you to join an online community to learn more or to find new people with similar viewpoints," Stardust says. "It's a great time for you to learn a new language or travel somewhere new."

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Virgo: "A time for transformation, it's time to make a lot of the changes you've been undergoing," Stardust declares. "Switch jobs and stand up for yourself. You have been too fair-minded and patient but passion is here and you're ready to take charge."

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Libra: "Take time to focus on your better half and how to make your relationships better and stronger," Stardust says.

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Scorpio: "It's time to recommit to daily activities and change mundane endeavors," Stardust advises. "Maybe a new workout time or activity — just minor adjustments to fine-tune your routine."

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Sagittarius: "This is a time of creativity and high energy," Stardust says. "Insert your artistry into a project, do some grounding work and figure out what your home is, because home is wherever you are. Find a place you connect. Maybe live somewhere by the water. Spend time close to water and take a lot of baths for spiritual cleansing and healing."

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Capricorn: "As the initiator of the winter, during spring it's time for some spring cleaning," says Stardust. "Fix and update your home and add some new colors and fun to their decor."

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Aquarius: "This season you'll be spilling the tea with a lot of people: catching people up to date, posting thirst traps on social and getting a lot of attention," Stardust says.

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(Photo: Getty Creative)

Pices: "Take time to reassess your finances," advises Stardust. "Take charge of your money, saving it for a rainy day this April."

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