This sportscaster shares his cancer story: 'Black men nearly twice as likely to die of prostate cancer'

Professional sportscaster and host of the podcast 'The Last Stand', Brian Custer, takes on a new title: cancer survivor. Now a spokesperson for the Prostate Cancer Foundation, Custer is sharing his personal story of being diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 42, and how he beat the odds. According to Dr. Brandon Mahal, Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center and PCF spokesperson, lack men are nearly two times as likely to develop prostate cancer and almost two times more likely to die. Through his research he hopes to see a vast decrease in these disparities, but says that people sharing personal stories, like Custer, is a major part of making men aware of the risk they may have. Custer, who after surgery and radiation is now fully in remission, has used his experience to spread awareness in the Black community of the risks when it comes to prostate cancer. “Every time I go to the doctor now I always post it on social media. I use the same thing, ‘Men get checked because it could save your life — it saved mine,’” says Custer. “Even if we save one person, that’s enough for me.” For those who want to mitigate risks, Mahal encourages regular screenings and exercise. “The major, major take home is live a healthy lifestyle, follow up with your doctor and if you’re high risk, it’s that much more important to do those things.”

Video Transcript

BRIAN CUSTER: All I thought about at the time, am I going to see them go to high school? Do I have one more year with my wife? I had no idea the rate that prostate cancer was affecting Black men. I had none.


At the time before I got diagnosed, I was working in New York for Fox Sports. College football, college basketball, NFL. And I remember the job at the time had a health fair giving free prostate screenings. I was 40. I had no idea what my prostate was.

The doc did the digital rectal exam. He said, listen, there's really no easy way to tell you this, Brian. You've got cancer, and it's aggressive. I think you could have knocked me over with a feather. And I just said, well, look, what if I don't want to do surgery? And he said, you probably won't be with us in the next year or two.

BRANDON MAHAL: In terms of prostate cancer disparities, Black men are much more likely, nearly two times as likely than other men to develop prostate cancer, and more than two times as likely as other men to die from prostate cancer. Definitely access to care and quality of care is a big, major driver of prostate cancer disparities. Another major issue is the lack of representation on clinical trials.

And really, when we don't have representation, it's hard to understand what all of the factors may be that's driving this. It's important to recognize that, although you can maintain a healthy lifestyle, you are still susceptible to getting prostate cancer, especially for men with a family history of prostate cancer or for Black men.

BRIAN CUSTER: The doc said, listen, Brian, this disease is really ravaging the Black community. The likelihood increases 76% for Black men to get prostate cancer, and that you are twice as likely than white men to die from this. You are 42, and in the best shape possible. People will listen to you, and I need you to go public. That day is when I kind of began the fight.

The surgery went well. I had to go through 32 bouts of radiation. That was a couple years ago, and it's been great ever since. Every time I go to the doctor now, I always post it on social media. I use the same thing. "Men, get checked. It could save your life. It saved mine." So even if we save one person, that's enough for me.

BRANDON MAHAL: It impacts many, many men. Second most common leading death of-- from a cancer in men. It's been the case for decades that many men would get diagnosed with prostate cancer and receive treatment, and they were too embarrassed to share those details. And because of that, many other men were too scared to ever go get seen for potential prostate cancer.

But if they knew there was somebody who they can relate to or who they aspire to be to show that, hey, I'm still living, I'm still working, I'm fine, and just to show that strength is so, so powerful. For me, the major, major hope is a reduction in the disparate deaths that Black men face. The major, major take-home is live a healthy lifestyle, follow up with your doctor, and if you're high-risk, it's that much more important to do those things.