[Spoiler] Was Killed on ‘Game of Thrones’ in an INSANE Plot Twist and Twitter Can’t Deal

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Photo credit: Giphy

From Cosmopolitan

  • Fellow Game of Thrones nerds: There are SPOILERS about Sunday’s episode (season 8, episode 3) below. If you haven’t watched and don’t want to have plot points revealed, Do! Not! Keep! Reading!

  • Bran, the Night King, and Arya had a major moment during the episode, and Twitter simply cannot deal.

Hello, how are you, because I AM NOT OKAY. We all knew Sunday’s episode of Game of Thrones was going to be a total mess full of zombies, broody incest-loving Stark bois, and death, but no one could have seen the bloodbath that was the Battle of Winterfell. And the most intense moment of the episode by far was when the Night King rolled on over to where Bran was hanging out in the forest (wow, guys, that plan worked out so well! Congrats!), immediately killed Theon, and was MOMENTS away from killing Mr. Three-Eyed Raven himself.

But in a twist no one saw coming, Arya arrived (nay, ARRIVED) and stabbed the Night King in the side, causing him to literally explode into a bunch of ice shards and all his White Walkers and wights to die on the spot. In other words, ARYA. SAVED. THE. DAMN. DAY.

And no one was prepared for a twist this huge. In fact, it’s fair to say the internet is fully committed to freaking out all night. Behold, people flailing:

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