The Spiritual Energy of This One Crystal Makes It the Perfect Holiday Gift

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Crystals have become a bit more mainstream thanks to TikTok recently. But crystals have been a source of protection, healing and transformative energy for thousands of years. Crystals come from the earth and many believe they contain properties that humans can tap into to prevent negative energy and boost things like creativity or ambition. Whether you’re into the metaphysical and believe in the energetic power of these gems or not, crystals can still be a great gift to give someone due to other things like their appearance.

But where do you start when it comes to gifting someone a crystal? With the help of a crystal expert, we have the number one best crystal to gift to someone, along with others to choose from. We also lay out the best way to choose a crystal for a gift and whether there are bad crystals to gift someone or not.

Related: How To Cleanse and Recharge Crystals at Home, According to Experts

Crystal Lore Says That Gifted Crystals Can Hold More Power

First off, if you find yourself asking, “Are crystals a good gift for someone? Is it okay to give someone else crystals?” the answer is yes! Crystals are said to have more power if they’re gifted, according to Kathy Banegas, a crystal, Reiki and sound master teacher.

“Some schools of thought believe that if somebody gives you a crystal, it's more powerful because it was like a gift from the universe,” Banegas, AKA "The Healing Gem" on Instagram, tells Parade. She's noticed that crystals given to her are a “lot more special” than others in her collection.

Crystals that are gifts are also thought to hold more energy because of the good intentions of the person who gifted them. Any time that someone gives you a gift, there is good energy within that intention. So infusing that positive energy into a crystal just charges it a bit more, Banegas believes.

How Do You Choose Crystals to Gift to Someone?

When going out to buy a crystal to gift to someone, Banegas shares some steps to take in the process. She’s a firm believer that there isn’t a “bad” crystal to gift someone (more on that later), but it is important to consider a lot of factors to choose the right crystal for your friend, partner or whomever you’re shopping for.

Think About What The Person Needs From a Crystal You Want to Gift

The first step Banegas suggests is to just think about who you’re buying a crystal for. That seems like a no-brainer, but it’s all part of putting positive intentions into whatever crystal you end up buying as a gift for them. So think specifically about the person while shopping.

“Almost like when you pick out a crystal for yourself, you have to try and connect with the intention you have behind gifting the crystal,” Banegas says. “So let's say you're giving your best friend a crystal. When you go shopping for a crystal for them, you want to have that in mind. You want to think about them.”

Do a Meditation or Have a Moment of Concentration

The next one might be new for someone who’s never meditated and might seem silly at first. But it’ll help. Banegas shares that taking a moment to clear your mind, even by just taking a calming breath, will help you focus and be in the right headspace to feel drawn to the right crystal.

“Like maybe even do like a little quick meditation before you go into the shop,” the author of Practical Crystals: Crystals for Holistic Wellbeing says. “Or in the shop, just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and see what you connect with when you're shopping for that specific crystal for that person.”

Have an Intention in Mind and Ask Yourself Questions

Lastly, make an intention for what kind of crystal you want to find by asking questions. What do you want this crystal to do for the person you’re gifting it to? Are you trying to help them heal from a breakup or other hardship? Do you want them to feel better about themselves or get out of a funk? Do you want them to regain confidence?

Banegas says that all of these questions and ones like them are super important in feeling drawn to whatever crystal you end up choosing. And you don’t need to necessarily get caught up on what a crystal is meant to do or its energy properties. Because if you gift a crystal with those intentions, any crystal will be the right one.

“Even [if you connect with a crystal just because it's beautiful], it would be perfectly fine to gift it," the mother of three says. "It probably would bring some joy and happy energy to that person because your intention behind it was just that it was gonna light up that person's life.”

The #1 Best Crystal to Gift Someone

Again, Banegas says you have to be intentional, because “it's all in the intention.” But her go-to, must-have crystal is Amethyst, and that’s what she suggests as the best crystal to gift someone because it is so universal (and a necessity for any crystal owner).

“[It] can bring peace and calm and relaxation to your home and to you,” she says. “That would be even like a general crystal that you can gift to anybody.”

She tells Parade that it’s good to gift to a coworker, neighbor or even your mail person, it’s so universal (and doesn’t pose any issues).

“You're just bringing them calm and peace,” she says. “And that's number one on the scale for me for gifting.”

Amethyst Healing Crystals Wands Crystal Tower Hexagonal Pointed Crystal Wand Stone (1 piece), $13.99 on Amazon

Other Crystals That Are Good to Gift

Clear Quartz

On the same concept of bringing good energy to someone with a crystal, Clear Quartz is another great crystal to gift someone.

“That one will make any negative energy into positive energy," Banegas shares. "That one can really bring you peace and calm and good energy in your space.”

Clear Quartz 2" Natural Rough Stones Crystal Large Raw (4 pieces), $8.99 on Amazon


Outside of bringing positivity and calmness, Selenite is a great crystal to give someone because it doesn't absorb energy. Instead, it's a purification crystal, which is great for cleansing other crystals and people.

“[It’s] one of the crystals that don't absorb energy. And it's really just a purification and cleansing crystal," she says. "You can give this to somebody, they can put it in their living room, by their entrance; it'll just bring a lot of positive energy to that person and to that person's space.”

Premium Quality Selenite Sticks 4" (3 pieces), $5.99 on Amazon

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is one of the best crystals to use for protection, and because of this Banegas shares it's a great one to gift.

“It’s pretty specific," she says. “It’s just like grounding. It brings protection.”

And not just for protection, Black Tourmaline also “dissolves negative energy." So instead of using a crystal to bring positive energy or help cleanse you, Black Tourmaline gets rid of any bad energy lingering around.

"So, if you're trying to really bring some positivity for that person and some protection from outside things happening to them, then definitely Black Tourmaline would be great,” Banegas says.

Black Tourmaline Raw Crystals (2 pieces), $7.99 on Amazon

Is There a Bad Crystal to Gift Someone?

Originally, we asked Banegas if any crystal was the worst to gift, and she told us that it was kind of a trick question because “there is no bad crystal to give someone” in her expert opinion (especially if there are good intentions). But she does think that there might be some crystals that aren’t great to gift to individual people for specific reasons.

For example, thanks to TikTok, crystals like Moldavite and Opal get a bad reputation for bringing havoc into people’s lives, so they might not come across as the best gifts. So, what are the crystals that might not be great gifts for people due to the type of energy they bring?


Banegas shares that some schools of thought believe Opal is unlucky if given to the user by someone else. The idea is that Opal is best for those who have it as their birthstone or if they buy it for themselves, otherwise, it’ll bring unluckiness.

That isn’t how Banegas thinks or what she believes about Opal. But if that’s a belief you hold or have heard about, and want to stay away from it, then this might not be the best to gift.


Moldavite is a big “bad” crystal thanks to numerous TikToks about how it’s ruined people’s lives by making bad things happen such as breakups, losing a job or other big revelations. However, Banegas expressed that she feels bad for the crystal, saying “poor Moldavite,” because of the bad rep it has now when it’s been a bit misunderstood.

“If you get Moldavite and you want to work with Moldavite, it's gonna just really make you deal with the issues that you have in your life,” she explains, saying it’s a “transformational” crystal. “It's not gonna allow you to just keep ignoring those issues. So, that's why those things happen to those people.”

Because Moldavite is meant to give change, good luck and protection, it seems great on the surface. But people often overlook the “transformation” aspect of this crystal, which is how it brings you good fortune. Due to this, Banegas says that it’s not a great crystal to give to someone who isn’t interested in going through a transformative period in their life.

“It's not a bad thing…” she shares. “But I would only recommend it if it's somebody close to you.”

Rose Quartz

This might be an odd selection here, considering Rose Quartz is super popular and often chosen as a gift. It’s typically the go-to crystal for love or people looking for soulmates. But Banegas shares that it’s misunderstood and is a transformational crystal, like Moldavite.

“The issue that is that Rose Quartz is actually a crystal of universal love, but initially, it is a crystal of self-love,” she says. “So what Rose Quartz does is that it teaches you to love yourself, so that you can ultimately attract the correct kind of love, the love that you should have in your life.”

People have this misconception that Rose Quartz is going to attract love or a partner, so it might be a bummer if this doesn’t happen (because that’s not how it works). Similar to how Raven Baxter’s visions in That’s So Raven never actually happen as she saw it in her mind and are always out of context—which really impacts how that vision comes to life—crystals are not always going to get you to your end result in the way you thought or planned. Because of this, Rose Quartz is best for someone ready to go on that self-love journey, however that looks (which might mean being single for a while).

“You have to be careful with the properties and what it could mean for somebody's healing journey towards what they're trying to achieve,” she says.

Crystals Given By an Enemy

Lastly, and this might be a no-brainer, but crystals gifted with bad intentions, like ones from an enemy, are not good crystals. As we said before, crystals have energy and often absorb energy. So if a crystal is given to someone with bad energy, hate or negative intentions, the crystal is unfortunately not going to be the best gift.

What should you do if a known enemy gifts you a crystal? Banegas says that you just shouldn’t accept it. But if you do, plant it outside and don't bring it into your home.

Don’t Be Afraid to Gift Crystals for the Holidays (Or Whenever)

There might seem like a lot of rules or things to watch out for when you first learn about crystals and what they mean or about the energy that they possess. However, as Banegas shares, don’t be afraid to give them to people or to learn more about them yourself. And despite the suggestions on the best crystals to gift (and ones to maybe stay away from), it’s all about the intention. You know, it’s the thought that counts.

“I really feel that because they're made by Mother Earth… it's something naturally that has come to us for healing,” she says. “There's nothing evil that comes from crystals. It's all positive.”

Ultimately, crystals are nice and each one has so much they can offer someone. Banegas found it hard to think of crystals that were “a bad idea to gift” and they’re all great to “spread a lot of crystal cheer.”

“I'm gonna stick with my expert opinion [that] there is no bad crystal to gift,” she concludes. “It's just the intention behind why you're gifting the crystal is very important.”

Next up, if you want to learn more about crystals, here are 13 different types of crystals along with their meanings and what to use them for!


Kathy Banegas: Banegas is the owner of The Healing Gem (a popular Instagram account about crystals and other metaphysical elements), as well as a crystal, Reiki and sound master teacher. She got into crystals after her mother passed away in 2014 due to cancer, which led her to look for more spiritual healing. She then started selling crystals at work, where she was an executive assistant to a neurosurgeon and then quit her full-time job in 2017. She began her crystal community on Instagram during the start of the pandemic and the rest is history. Banegas is also a mom of three and the author of Practical Crystals: Crystals for Holistic Wellbeing.