What is a spiritual awakening? A guide to everything you need to know

spiritual awakening
What is a spiritual awakening? The guide you needGetty Images

You've probably heard the term 'spiritual awakening' thrown around in casual conversation, but what does it actually mean? Here's everything you need to know about spiritual awakenings, from what it actually is to how to know if you're experiencing one and what it feels like.

What is a spiritual awakening?

The formal definition is ‘a subjective experience in which an individual's ego transcends their ordinary, finite sense of self to encompass a wider, infinite sense of truth or reality’. Wowzers.

Think of it like you’re catching an elevator up from the hot, noisy grind of the ego, through your consciousness to your airy, sparkling crown which connects to a higher self, a divine purpose, and the wider world. You are getting out of your own experience and self absorption and looking around to find broader and external causes, purposes, and energies to tune into and serve. Spiritual awakenings are not specifically aligned with a religion, but many people find religion at this point because it provides a higher purpose, a connection with others, and a structured means of reflection (prayer) and understanding the world.

Other manifestations of an awakening can be starting a family, changing careers, seeking esoteric or magical teachings, creating a legacy, promoting a cause or campaign, taking a more global perspective and changing political or ideological outlooks.

How do you know if you're experiencing a spiritual awakening?

In a June 2002 survey, research found that 41% of Americans had experienced a ‘spiritual awakening’. This is not a niche, rare, outlier occurrence in the human experience. It’s something many of us go through, although perhaps we don’t talk about it very much. A major reason suggested in the survey was fear of ridicule or being misunderstood by others.

There is no time limit on this experience: it can last moments, months or even years. It's likely that a life event of some significance has happened to you recently, though, something which shifts your worldview or self perception. Possible signs of a spiritual awakening include:

  • Heightened intuition

  • Increased empathy and sensitivity

  • Surging creativity

  • Changes in beliefs including a desire to serve others

  • A sense of unity with all

  • Heightened dreams and visions

  • Feeling a deep connection with the universe

  • An intense desire to be honest with oneself

  • Finding it difficult to make small talk

  • Finding yourself being attracted to more philosophical articles or memes

  • Being tearful

  • Physical changes (getting fitter, brighter eyes, a more alert and youthful complexion and expression).

At its core, however, this is a shift in mindset, and an emotional and mental experience. Think of it as a positive change of heart about how you think of your place in the world and what you want to do with your life.

What is it like to go through a spiritual awakening?

In my own experience, my dad died with covid in 2020. I have changed a great deal since then, so I can attest to these awakenings being a slow-burn sometimes, and part of this has felt spiritual. I found myself thinking a great deal about legacy and my ancestors and how their lives have led into mine. I started thinking of them as ‘allies’ on the other side and talking to them, asking for messages, seeing signs, and finding comfort in their supportive presence. It made me think about the bigger picture, the longer term, and legacy. I felt compelled to fix a true purpose to my own life (bringing the comfort and wisdom of tarot to as many people as possible) and have become much more focused on goal-setting, pursuing ambitions, and writing (I am working towards my 6th book in 3 years!)

The preciousness of life became searingly obvious to me, too, the fact it will all end, and we only have so many good years. Live them well. Be good to others. Pursue a purpose. Leave a legacy. And, I can almost hear my dad chuckling as he’d say this, “enjoy it”.

Things to do during a spiritual awakening

Be mindful, self-aware, perceptive and conscious of your thoughts and feelings. It helps to keep a journal, have an ally to talk to, or even talk to the mirror (I do this in the car a lot).

Meditation is basically a panacea for every life issue and this is no different! Start a daily practice, even just a couple of minutes when you first wake up. Use a guided meditation app or video if it helps.

Be in and around nature. All of life’s big lessons and truths can be found reflected in nature. And when you spend time, solo, quietly and mindfully walking or resting and noticing the ebb and flow of life ALL AROUND you, those lessons and insights will emerge for you.

Be good to others. Start igniting the good karma cycle and feeling like you contribute and add value. You’re connected and you matter. This will help to bring you opportunities to actually do something positive whilst you’re, basically, becoming a nicer person!

Chill, relax, be patient. This is a journey. It's not an overnight makeover, even if the first jolt is a radical or sudden one. Let yourself evolve at your own pace. There’s no pressure or rush to start doing things, changing things, or revealing things.

Read and research and listen to podcasts; watch vlogs and connect with others going through this too. Broaden your understanding and vocabulary - and therefore options - around leading a more spiritual life.

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