"Spider-Man: Far From Home" Star Zendaya Is Afraid Tom Holland Will Die in His Spidey Suit

"I get scared all the time.”

Working on a movie like Spider-Man: Far From Home definitely has more than its fair share of thrilling moments, but for one of the film's stars, it’s also more than a bit terrifying. Zendaya, who plays M.J. in the movies, revealed that she’s really afraid her costar Tom Holland will die in his Spider-Man suit.

While the Spider-Man suit is certainly iconic and being chosen to don the red-and-blue spandex suit is a huge honor, it doesn’t sound like Z feels like she’s missing out on much. Zendaya shared her fears for Tom’s safety with MTV News, saying, “I get scared all the time like, what if he’s working so hard that he throws up. And then he can’t— he chokes!” Yikes! “I look at him like ‘Please, I hope he never gets sick,’” she added.

Z and Tom have become very good friends since working on Spider-Man: Homecoming in 2017, so it makes sense that she’d fear for her friend’s safety while he works. Tom has talked about the intricacies of wearing the suit, saying that to get a drink, he has to remove his eyes. (Stay with us here.)

"Basically, my eyes in my mask, they clip off, they come off, because they’re glass, and obviously the suit is fabric, and they need to clip in,” he said. “And what I can do is I can take my left one out, and there’s a little, like, thing that I pull out, and then I put a tube, a squeezy tube, down into my mouth, and then I can drink from a bottle.” He can eat through it too, but it sounds like quite a feat. “I found out is that if I push the mask forward, I can now squeeze gum and stuff down the eye hole.”

After reading that, we totally get why Z would be a bit squeamish about the whole Spidey suit thing. It does sound pretty darn complicated, so we’re glad Tom has a pal like Zendaya looking out for his safety at work. Peter Parker would be proud.

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Want more from Teen Vogue? Check this out: "Spider-Man: Far From Home" Star Tom Holland Has an Interesting Way of Drinking Through His Spidey Suit

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Originally Appeared on Teen Vogue