Here’s How You Can Spend Your Summer With Y&R’s Melody Thomas Scott

Melody Thomas Scott.
Melody Thomas Scott.
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Melody Thomas Scott has been having a very busy year this year as Nikki has been thrust to the forefront on The Young and the Restless. She’s not letting up anytime soon; in fact, this summer she’ll be hosting some events on the East Coast that you can attend and learn a great deal about both the actress and her beloved alter-ego.

Meeting Melody

“What are you doing this summer? How about spending a weekend with me?!” Scott asked her fans via her website. “I have some very special summer plans and I’d love for you to be a part of them! I’ll be spending the weekend in Lily Dale, New York, on August 9-11, 2024 — hosting four events at Lily Dale Assembly.

“Lily Dale is not just a wonderfully tranquil little hamlet on Cassadaga Lakes in upstate New York, it’s also on the National Register of Historic Places and includes the Leolyn Woods — an old-growth forest with some trees dating back more than 200 years,” the actress continues. “In 1906, Lily Dale Assembly was formed there to further the science and philosophy of Spiritualism. Every summer— for more than 100 years — Lily Dale Assembly hosts a nine-week season of seminars, workshops, and special events related to Spirituality. Meditation, Reiki healing, mediumship, and astrology are among the many topics explored. Interested in experiencing it with me? Here’s what’s being planned:


Astrology & The Stars with Melody Thomas Scott: “Hollywood stars collide with the history of astrology when astrologer Cassandra Butler and I co-host a special evening at the Auditorium to kick off my Lily Dale weekend!” Thomas Scott says. “I’ll share fun stories of 12 celebrity friends (each representing a different sign of the zodiac), and Cassandra will educate us on the unique characteristics of them all!

“And we’ll all learn more about me when Cassandra provides an in-depth analysis of my astrological chart. If you’ve always been curious about astrology, join me for an entertaining evening unlike anything I’ve ever been a part of before!


Always Young & Restless: An Evening with Melody Thomas Scott:” I’ll reflect on my Hollywood career; reminisce with a scrapbook slideshow of both professional and personal highlights; and celebrate my 45th anniversary on The Young and the Restless with a special collection of video clips that document the evolution of Nikki Reed Newman,” the actress says. “We’ll also include time for a Q&A with the audience. And in the spirit of Lily Dale, I’ll welcome registered Lily Dale medium Kris Seastedt to join me on stage for my own personal reading.”

Melody Thomas Scott VIP Experience: “This gala reception, meet-and-greet is just for you! Immediately following the Auditorium event, we’ll chat one-on-one, enjoy live piano music and desserts, and you and I will pose for a picture together! (Note: We’ll use your cell phone to take the photo, so please bring it charged and with the flash turned off.) To guarantee I’ll have individual time with each guest, only 60 tickets will be sold.”

Bonus: “A special silent auction will also be part of the fun! I’ll be providing some unique items from my personal closet and from Y&R — including a script signed by several cast members. The auction will conclude at the end of the VIP event, with all auction proceeds benefitting Lily Dale Assembly.”


Afternoon Tea & Physical Mediumship with Melody Thomas Scott: “This event is quite exclusive: To ensure an intimate experience, only 20 tickets will be sold,” Thomas Scott says. “Together, we’ll learn about physical mediumship and witness table tilting, observe spoon bending, and learn all about Victorian flower reading. During our afternoon together, I’ll tell you about the personal experiences I’ve had with tarot cards.

“After we all visit and sip tea together, I’ll ask Medium Mike Clevenger to read my tea leaves in everyone’s presence,” the actress says. “It will be interesting to hear what she sees in my teacup. All 20 guests are encouraged to stay after the event and receive their own mini-tea leaf reading — but not until you and I take a selfie! It’s sure to be a fascinating afternoon of Victorian parlor games, physical mediumship, and more — and a great way to wrap up our Lily Dale experience together.”

For ticket information, CLICK HERE.