Spend One Hour Doing This And Get The Best Sleep of Your Life


One day made all the difference. (Photo: Chris Craymer)

Few things in life are as annoying as not being able to catch enough zzz’s. I know after a night of tossing and turning, pretty much all I can do the next day is complain about it to anyone around me. (Sorry, friends!)

Well, turns out talking about your inability to sleep might actually be all it takes to rest easy, according to a new study from Northumbria University in England. Researchers had people with insomnia meet with a therapist for a single one-hour session, during which they discussed their bedtime behavior. That was enough for a whopping 73 percent of them to start sleeping better.

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One hour, that’s it? You could spend that long trying to cover up dark under-eye circles.

The key is to catch your snoozing problem before it becomes chronic and to talk through those sleep issues with the therapist. So if you’ve been counting sheep to no avail for a few weeks already, stop whining to your pals or coworkers and try talking to a pro.

By Laurel Leicht

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