My Little Miniature Peanut Brain Is Completely Blown After Seeing These 20 Absolutely Incredible Pictures For The Very First Time Last Week

1.This is what the inside of a quarter looks like:

Inside of a quarter

2.And this is what a hummingbird egg looks like compared to an ostrich egg:

A hand holding an ostrich egg and a hummingbird egg

I seriously doubt you can guess which is which.

Picture Alliance / dpa/picture alliance via Getty Images

3.This is what the face of the Statue of Liberty looked like before it was installed onto the monument:

The Statue of Liberty's face

Very Star Fox 64.

NPS Photo / Alamy Stock Photo

4.This is how big the anchor chain of the Titanic was:

Men standing next to a giant chain

That's a big chain!

Prismatic Pictures / Bridgeman Images

5.This totally not terrifying ancient, 9,000-year-old mask is considered to be one of the earliest depictions of a human:

Closeup of a mask

It was found near Jerusalem. Ah, the way we were!

Universal History Archive / Universal Images Group via Getty Images

6.This is how thick one of the cables that holds up the Golden Gate Bridge is:

A cable from the Golden Gate Bridge


Valerie Loiseleux / Getty Images/iStockphoto

7.In 1903, Edward Llewellen (left) made history by breaking the world record and catching the biggest sea bass ever caught off the coast of Catalina Island:

Edward Llewellen

It weighed 425 pounds.

Niday Picture Library / Alamy Stock Photo

8.Speaking of big giant animals, here's Hiram (center), the world's largest horse as of 1907:


Folks, do we stan Hiram, aka the largest horse in the world?

Chronicle / Alamy Stock Photo

9.Redwood trees are really, really, really, really big:

A woman standing next to a redwood

Shout out to big trees.

Yenwen / Getty Images

10.This is Henry Ford cruising around in the first car he designed, the Quadricycle:

Henry Ford riding a quadricycle

Looks like this baby can go zero to six in no time at all.

Apic / Getty Images

11.You can see Queen Elizabeth get older and older through coins bearing her likeness:

Coins with Queen Elizabeth's image

12.Speaking of which, here are two new coins that feature the just-coronated King Charles:

Coins with King Charles on them

His coins will go from very old to very, very old.

Vandervelden / Getty Images

13.This is Wojtek, a bear who was enlisted as a private in the Polish army during World War II:

Closeup of Wojtek

14.The Liberty Bell is super tiny in real life:

Closeup of the Liberty Bell

15.Here are two men testing a bulletproof vest in the absolute safest way possible:

Two men testing bulletproof vests

Ah, the good old days when the life expectancy rate was, like, 34 because of this kind of stuff.

American Photo Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

16.This is the size of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki compared to a human:

A man standing next to a replica of the Atomic Bomb

This is a replica inside the Atomic Bomb Museum located in Nagasaki.

Christian Ender / Getty Images

17.Helmets really, really work:

A crushed helmet

18.Here's Hannes de Jong, the 1970 Pole Sitting World Champion, well, sitting on a pole:

Hannes de Jong sitting on a pole

19.This is what the first class bathroom on board a high-speed Japanese bullet train looks like:

A bullet train bathroom

20.And, finally, this right here is a once state-of-the-art piece of armor that used to be worn by golf course workers sent out to retrieve range balls:

A man wearing armor while retrieving golf balls

Imagine that little tiny cage is all that separates you and getting clocked upside the noggin with a shot from someone's 2-iron.

Gainew Gallery / Alamy Stock Photo