Special Needs Pit Bull Can't Get Enough of Being a 'Bouncy Bouncy Baby'

Anyone who has ever spent time with an older baby or toddler knows what the bouncy bouncy baby game or the horsey game is. You hold the child on your lap and sing to them while bouncing them. Well, instead of a human child, in a video posted yesterday, September 4, a special needs rescue Pit Bull shows how much a dog can love this game too.

He just won't let mom stop!

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TikTok user @TheMrMomProject posted the precious video of Nutmeg bouncing on a woman's lap and he keep coming back for more!

Now, we aren't advocating doing this with a newborn human or doing it roughly, we all are aware of shaken baby syndrome and how dangerous shaking a baby can be, but everyone knows that gently bouncing of a baby - or dog, is totally harmless!

Everyone loves how beautiful Nutmeg loves this game, and @Andi comments, "Nutmeg you have Mom trained so well." @Chrissy replies, "Her hoppy jumps at her song makes my heart happy I used to make my mom do this to me too." Yup, this may be familiar to a lot of people out there! @Gina adds, "Haha how funny my mom has sang this to all of the kids in the family and does the same thing." @Soggy does something similar with their cat, "I sing this version to my cat:Trot little pony trot to town to get that baby some candy. My little pony won't fall doown! and spill that baby's candy." Haha! It's a universal pet game!

Other toddler or baby games you can play with your pup? A lot of dogs get a kick out of peek-a-boo and most dogs love playing hide and seek where either you hide, or you hide one of their favorite toys and they have to find it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a cat that needs bouncing!

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