Is sparkling water good or bad? The answer depends on you

Dasani sparkling water, a Coca-Cola product, is on display at a market in Pittsburgh, Nov. 14, 2018.
Dasani sparkling water, a Coca-Cola product, is on display at a market in Pittsburgh, Nov. 14, 2018. | Gene J. Puskar

It’s well known that sugary drinks can lead to negative health outcomes, and that’s one reason why many people have made the switch over to drinking sparkling water.

The market for carbonated waters is currently valued at more than $32.3 billion — and it’s expected to spike up to $93.8 billion by 2030, according to The Brainy Insights.

But is sparking water good for you? And is it possible to drink too much?

What is sparkling water?

EatingWell reports that sparkling water is a naturally carbonated water “with its natural minerality retained.” Depending on its source, sparkling water can have a bubble intensity that is either delicate or tough, and can have flavors ranging from clean to “stony” or “sulfured.”

Although the term “sparkling water” is often used interchangeably with seltzer water, they are technically different. Seltzer water is not naturally occurring; it’s “created when carbon dioxide bubbles are added to still water,” as Jamie Bering, a gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic, explained to USA Today.

The possibility of adding carbon dioxide to water was discovered by a European scientist in the 18th century, per EatingWell. He figured out that the infusion creates carbonic acid, which gives seltzer water its fizziness.

How sparkling water could impact the human body

Jen Messer, a registered dietitian, said to USA Today that sparkling water is a good option “for those looking to reduce their calorie intake or avoid added sugars.” It can help people who want to cut back on traditional soda to replace their old habit.

Even though it’s generally harmless, sparkling water may have some negative impacts on people with certain conditions, according to health experts.

Those who have sensitive stomach conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome or gastroesophageal reflux disease may experience symptoms from drinking sparkling water. Because of its gas content, it “can trigger reflux in (people) with (GERD) and bloating, gas and diarrhea in people with (IBS),” Kaytee Hadley, a registered dietician nutritionist, told HuffPost.

Additionally, you should pay attention to what’s been added to sparkling water.

Messer said that some products are infused with sodium, adding that it’s best to avoid these kinds of sparkling waters if you’re trying to limit your sodium intake, per USA Today.

Seltzer drinks might also include artificial sweeteners, which can negatively affect those with IBS or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth as well as potentially worsen the symptoms of colitis or Crohn’s disease, HuffPost reported.

If you stick to naturally flavored waters, they can “enhance hydration and benefit overall gut health, especially for those who struggle to drink enough plain water” without many — if any — negative side effects, said gastroenterologist Kenneth Brown to HuffPost.

Pay attention to how much sparkling water you drink

Another thing to watch out for with sparkling water is drinking too much, according to health experts.

“If you feel bloated, are constantly belching or have reflux, stop drinking carbonated water until symptoms disappear,” Aja McCutchen, a gastroenterologist, said to EatingWell.

Messer offered similar advice in her interview with USA Today.

“Moderation is key, and it’s advisable to consult with a health care professional if you have specific health concerns,” she said.