Spain's Adrian Del Campo drops a surprise video part for Rave Skateboards

Adrian Del Campo, that of the slicked back hair, beyond baggy pants, and most likely to be skating Congreso, has made the unexpected jump to France's Rave skateboards. To announce his arrival, he's got this minute-plus footage barrage of all kinds of ledge tech and of course that mega pop he's got hidden in those jeans. Peep it.

Keeping his shirts tucked and his stance close, he really gets up on that nollie backside tailslide. If you've never been to Madrid's Congreso plaza, it really is one of the world's best skate spots. Adrian hits the homerun with a nollie inward heelflip over a fat block and that's time.

Of course, the elephant in the room is, what's going to happen to Skate Mental? In just the last few months Curren Caples and Jake Anderson left for FA, Antonio Durao left for Hardbody, and now this. Will Eric Koston and Brad Staba put their heads together and rebuild once again? Where's Kellen James' board? Time shall tell, in the mean...time, peep Curren and Jake's welcome to FA part.

Related: Surprise! FA Dropped A New Video And Introduced Us To Their Two New Pros (Watch)

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