"Sorry, Tough Guys": This Stay-At-Home Husband's "Day In The Life" TikToks Are 100% Relationship Goals

Maya and Hunter are a 24-year-old married couple living in Southern California who started dating when they were just sophomores in high school. And they've been going viral on TikTok ever since Hunter shared some videos giving followers a peek into a day in his life as a stay-at-home husband.

In one of their recent videos, which has been viewed more than 7 million times, Hunter says, "Sorry, tough guys. It's another day in the life of a stay-at-home husband. My wife is always trying to sneak in extra work on the weekend, so I grabbed her, her wallet, and headed out on our weekly errands."

Hunter taking a selfie and carrying two coffees

"Some people seem to think I lost my man card, so we went to the farmers market to buy a new one. But they were all out, so I went to Whole Foods and got some flowers for my wife."

Hunter at the farmers market, shopping

"I strapped the groceries to my mancart and got to arranging the flowers. Never give your wife flowers and expect her to arrange them. That's a chore, not a gift."

Hunter in the parking lot and then arranging flowers

"This little girlboss tried to help me clean the floors. So silly. It's her day off, so I made her a little reading nook and got to cleaning. Sunday reset? More like resetting societal norms."

Maya smiling; May reading as Hunter cleans

And in the comments, people are loving Hunter and Maya's stay-at-home husband and "girlboss" wife dynamic.

still cooler than every alpha male
TikTok / Via tiktok.com

Hunter says, "Before I began my second year of law school, I had a gap between the end of my summer job and the start of the term. So I really had no responsibilities other than my stay-at-home-husbandly duties. Maya came to me with an idea. She had seen a trend of TikToks going around about self-proclaimed 'stay-at-home daughters' and 'stay-at-home wives,' but noticed an obvious lack of male presence in this genre."

"She also noticed many women on the platform would talk about how their husbands and boyfriends didn’t even know how to wash a dish, let alone take care of the entire home. This seemingly weaponized incompetence inspired the thought, What if we made a TikTok about you being a stay-at-home husband as a contrast to the stereotypical gender roles and poke fun at this?"

Fox / Via giphy.com

"So we recorded a day in the life of my tasks, which included cleaning the house, feeding the dog, grocery shopping, and even Maya taking me out to dinner as a treat at the end of a long day."

"As of today, we have made 24 parts to this series. Every single one has been met with overwhelming love and encouragement from followers, but also a lot of hate and negativity. Although we don’t let the hate get to us anymore, it shows us that the message behind our videos is still against the status quo to some people. But that has not stopped us! We plan to continue spreading our message of equality in a relationship regardless of a few hate comments because, at the end of the day, we truly believe that a partnership must be equal in order to succeed."

if a tough guy calls you a beta you're probably doing something right

Despite some online haters, Maya says, "IRL, our friends and families have been very supportive. It has been a crazy journey growing an online presence, and the support from the people we care about the most has been pivotal to navigating this new part of our lives."

CBC / Via giphy.com

And they say they plan to keep their current dynamic going. "A lot of people ask us in our comments and direct messages, 'Isn’t Hunter in law school? What will you do when he is a lawyer?' Our answer to that is quite simple: the same thing we do now. We will communicate our needs to one another and fill in when and where needed. A relationship is a partnership and is not defined by pre-determined societal roles."

Hunter and Maya in the car with the words "Order a husband today!"

"Rather, we believe wholeheartedly that the best partnerships are built on communication, honesty, and sacrifice. So will Hunter still clean the house when he is a lawyer? Of course. Will Maya still be a girlboss who works to support her family? Absolutely. Can a person still embody a 'stay-at-home husband' whilst having a job? We believe so. Equality doesn’t always mean 50-50. It means that you each give 100% wherever you can to succeed together as one."

To see more from Maya and Hunter, check out their TikTok and YouTube channel.