Soon, You’ll Be Able to Use Your Apple Watch for Bicycling Directions

Photo credit: Hogarth Image Studio
Photo credit: Hogarth Image Studio

From Bicycling

  • On June 22, Apple gave a preview of watchOS 7, which will be available to users this fall.

  • Included in the updates will be bicycling directions integrated with Maps.

  • Your watch will also be able to track hand-washing and sleep, among other health updates.

On June 22, Apple announced the new features coming to WatchOS, iOS, iPadOS, and MacOS at its 2020 Worldwide Developers Conference, held virtually. One of these new features focuses on improvements in navigation for cyclists who are Apple Watch wearers. In WatchOS 7 and iOS14, Maps will provide biking directions, which will be especially helpful if you’re navigating a new city by bike or starting a cycling commute.

And in the new update, cycling directions for select cities (New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Shanghai, and Beijing) will be available right on the wrist. Apple designed the directions so they appear large and easy-to-read at a glance. Additionally, Maps also can let you know when to dismount and walk your bike, or take the stairs to save time.

Depending on what kind of ride you’re looking for, you will be able to choose a route that avoids steep hills, one that gets to the destination the quickest, or one that takes the most direct path, according to Apple.

Aside from cycling directions, Apple Watch users will also be able to track how much and what type of sleep they’re getting, and set a sleep routine. If you’re looking to track your core training in the Workout app, an option for that—along with dance, functional strength training, and cooldown—will be added.

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And, as preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses is on everyone’s minds, there will be a hand-washing detection feature that will initiate a 20-second countdown timer, which is the minimum length of time you should wash your hands to prevent the spread of germs, according to the CDC.

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