Someone Is Trying to Sabotage the Royal Wedding


Forget Priyanka Chopra and Kate Middleton. The most famous guests at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal wedding may turn out to be … "forks." That’s right. The four-letter word defined as the tool used to eat dishes like spaghetti Carbonara and fried rice is making a splash in London, days before the happy couple’s May 19 nuptials.

Is there trouble in paradise? Yes, and we can try to explain.

According to the U.K’s Express, police are on the hunt for an unidentified graffiti artist that has spray-painted the word “FORK” over 150 times all over Windsor, the English town outside London where Saturday’s royal wedding will take place. The artist-cum-troublemaker has taken his or her magical can of paint to tag cars, vans, homes, cameras, walls, fences, and even lampposts.

Who cares? Well, the "FORK"s appear to be strategically placed along the exact route Harry and Markle’s coach will follow the day of the royal wedding. Smart thinking for someone who disapproves of this fairytale romance (nothing like a fork in the road to throw them off). A Thames Valley Police report noted that the culprit(s)—who authorities suspect to be a “young person"—is also messing with traffic lights. No arrests have been, as it looks like police are really grasping at straws here.

Though we’re not sure who’s responsible for the works of art, they’re now being displayed on Instagram thanks to the @forkgraffitiwindsor account.


A post shared by Fork (@forkgraffitiwindsor) on Apr 14, 2018 at 8:46am PDT

Cool beans ????

A post shared by Fork (@forkgraffitiwindsor) on Apr 14, 2018 at 9:16am PDT


A post shared by Fork (@forkgraffitiwindsor) on Apr 14, 2018 at 8:54am PDT

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Local police officers are paying extra close attention to Windsor Castle, where Harry and Markle will wed. It also sounds like one member of the monarchy is royally upset. A Windsor Police source told Express, “We have been told that if there is so much as a single ‘FORK’ on the walls of Windsor Castle that the Queen will blow a gasket so we are guarding it very well.”

Sounds scary! Maybe the fork culprit is simply looking for someone to ... spoon with.