Solo travel: the 'ultimate indulgence in 2024'

 Woman in hotel room with suitcase.
Woman in hotel room with suitcase.

The number of holidaymakers choosing to go it alone is rising, whether in escorted groups, or independently. And it is an active choice, not forced by an inability to find a travelling companion.

"Rather than a function of necessity or compromise, holidaying alone has become the ultimate indulgence in 2024: a rare chance in this ultra-demanding world to put one's own needs and priorities first," said the London Evening Standard.

"Regardless of life stage or relationship status", many more people are taking solo trips, "not because they have to – but because they want to", said the newspaper.

And one factor fuelling the independent travel trend may be an after-effect of the pandemic's enforced isolation, which "emboldened" people with a 'now or never' attitude", rendering them "more confident than ever about spending time in solitude".

And that solitude can have benefits for our wellbeing. Research by Netta Weinstein, a professor of psychology and clinical language sciences at the University of Reading, has shown that there is a big difference between imposed solitude and chosen solitude, reported The Guardian.

"Having space gives us time to connect with ourselves, and connecting with ourselves benefits our wellbeing," said Weinstein. A key factor appears to be the sense of autonomy we get from being alone. "What we found was that, on any given day when people felt autonomous and competent in solitude, they feel better on that day," she added.

According to an Abta report, 16% of travellers went on holiday by themselves in the year to August 2023, compared to 11% during the previous year, said Travel Weekly. In the 35-44 age group, the proportion of solo travellers more than doubled to 13% in 2023 from just 6% in 2022.

The main attraction of a solo trip is being able to do what you want, when you want. Being on your own is a "chance to really savour the world around you – at your own pace", said Annabelle Thorpe in The Observer. There are "no compromises to be made, no itineraries discussed; get up when you want, eat what you fancy, do nothing or everything, talk to the friendly person next to you at breakfast, or pop in your headphones and ignore them completely".

And this freedom can bring a change in behaviour. "When I'm travelling alone, I become the best version of myself," said Thorpe: "the most decisive, the most charming, the most curious. I see more, go further, strike up conversations with people I'll never meet again, yet always remember."

And it's not just for single people. For those in a relationship, differing work patterns and destination preferences also play a part. "Like many women who travel alone, I have a partner, but his life is a lot less flexible than mine and he doesn't always want the kinds of breaks I do," said Joanna Moorhead in The Guardian.

Research by online travel agent in 2023 revealed that 41% of us prefer to travel alone, reported The Telegraph. "It puts us in control of decision-making", giving us the option "to linger for hours in a museum without our partners or children having a meltdown, or to undertake a lung-busting hike to the top of a mountain to be made small by nature when our close ones prefer the indoors".

And apart from the sightseeing, solo travel "gives us tranquil time for personal reflection and growth".