These Socks Come With A Built-In Ice Pack To Soothe Your Aching Feet

Photo credit: Natracure
Photo credit: Natracure

From Women's Health

Hear the phrase "cold feet" and immediately picture, say, Rachel Green bolting away from her fiancé (oh, Barry) at the altar? Same! That is, however, until I stumbled upon one very well-reviewed, very creative product on Amazon.

Introducing—drum roll, please—NatraCure's Cold Therapy Socks, the cooling socks that give the phrase "cold feet" a new, far more positive meaning.

Each sock comes with not one but two (!!) freezable gel packs: a full-length one that spans the bottom of your foot and a half-size pack that can go either over your toes or behind your heel. All you have to do? Pop these bad boys into their designated pockets, kick your feet up, and, quite literally, sit back and relax. Within seconds, at least according to NatraCure, you'll begin to feel relief from whatever aches and pains are plaguing your poor feet.

Not only does the chill feel phenomenal, especially during the rising summer temps, but it also has the power to reduce swelling and inflammation caused by a range of culprits from your a.m. 5K to pregnancy to chronic conditions like plantar fasciitis and arthritis.

"They are just wonderful. Soft on the foot, and with cold on top of the toes as well as under the sole," one buyer wrote. "And they stay cold for at least 30 minutes... Just put it on, prop the foot and read or watch TV, no muss, no fuss."

These soft, soothing socks are available in two styles and two sizes—small/medium and large—all of which cost less than $30. But, TBH, can you really put a price on this effortless spa-like treatment?

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