Snowboarders Brave the Heat: Off-Season Training Ramps Up

Torstein Horgmo, a Norwegian professional snowboarder who has competed, and medalled in, a variety of slopestyle and big air snowboarding competitions, shares some insight about his off season training routine. Snowboarding is one of the few sports/jobs that has an off-season, and most of the best snowboarders put that "down time" to good use.

During the off-season, snowboarders eagerly embrace the challenge of training outdoors, fueled by their passion for the sport. Despite the absence of snow-capped mountains, they adapt and find innovative ways to prepare for the upcoming winter. They seek out alternative terrains like sand dunes, skate parks, and grassy hills, transforming them into their training grounds. With unwavering determination, they perfect their balance, agility, and core strength through exercises like trampoline jumps, rail slides, and board presses. Endless hours are spent honing their skills, pushing their limits, and fine-tuning techniques, all while eagerly awaiting the first snowfall that will finally bring them back to their true element.