Snow Ridge Ski Area Ravaged by Devastating Tornado

The Snow Ridge Ski Area in Turin, New York, experienced significant impact from a tornado last night. Fortunately, everyone is accounted for and safe, which remains the top priority. Nevertheless, the destruction has taken a toll on the functioning of the resort. The tornado wreaked havoc on all three chair lift lines, causing them to be obstructed by numerous fallen trees. Even their Pisten Bully 200, the snow groomer, has been damaged with a tree piercing through the cab. However, the most extensive destruction occurred to the buildings and chairlift at Little Mountain, including the disappearance of their yurt.

The community is in a state of devastation, yet they hold onto the determination to rebuild. The welfare of the local residents is foremost in their minds, hoping that everyone has emerged from the incident unscathed. The support and empathy received from people have been overwhelming and deeply appreciated by the Snow Ridge community.

To assist in the recovery efforts, C3 has organized a raffle with the intention of raising funds.

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