Snow Leopard Cubs Enjoying an Ice Bath Are Too Cute To Miss

Tanganyika Wildlife Park in Wichita, Kansas recently shared an absolutely adorable video of their snow leopard cubs doing what snow leopards enjoy the most, playing in an ice bath!

Just watch these little cuties enjoy this freezing cold playtime and try not to smile!

The precious video, shared by the TikTok account for @TanganyikaWildlifePark, has everyone falling in love with the little leopards and this cute video. @Alysia comments, "So beautiful!! They’re soo happy!" @Natalie hilariously adds, "This is what my house cat thinks he is when he plays with ice cubes."

Related: Baby Snow Leopard's Tiny Yawns Are Almost Too Cute to Handle

Snow leopards primarily inhabit alpine and subalpine regions of Central and South Asia, including the Himalayas, so it would make sense that they are a fan of cold things. Not gonna lie, but this video just makes me cold watching them! I volunteer to help warm these precious little snow leopards up after playtime!

I'm not the only one with this idea, because @Kim comments, "Ok, willing to relocate, and I know all the words to this song! Am I hired?" We don't need a full-time job at the wildlife park, we would just love to babysit for a while! That is, until these cats grow so big we can no longer safely play with them!

Snow leopards have vulnerable status on the International Union for Conservation of Nature list. Due to habitat loss, climate change, and poaching and illegal trade these gorgeous animals is at high risk of extinction. If you would like to make a donation to help protect snow leopards, you can visit the website for the Snow Leopard Trust here.

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