SNL Comedy Legend Chris Farley Tried To Warn Us About El Niño In 1997

Meteorologists are expecting the coming El Niño of Winter '23-'24 to be one of the strongest in recorded history, and it seems like every skier is talking about it.

Northeastern skiers are hoping for a flurry of Nor'easters, Pacific Northwesterners are hoping the situation won't become too dire, and the rest of the country is anxiously awaiting to see how the situation will play out.

Back in 1997, one of the most recent El Niño years, comedic legend Chris Farley tried to warn us about the powerful weather phenomenon. Check out his portrayal of the weather pattern below:

Farley's hilarious depiction of El Niño doesn't last for long, but his aggressive hand gestures and frilled sleeves tell you everything you need to know-

"El Niño is Spanish for... THE NIÑO!!"

Chris Farley ladies and gentlemen. Need I say more?

On a more serious note, El Niño is here and it will impact the upcoming ski season.

It's impossible to discern what exactly will happen this far in advance, but meteorologist Matt Makens has done a fantastic job analyzing historical data of previous strong El Niños in this video to form predictions for Winter '23-'24.

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