Snickers Just Turned Your Grandma’s Favorite Flavor Into a Candy Bar

And we tried it first.

<p>Adobe Stock/Allrecipes</p>

Adobe Stock/Allrecipes

Not to stereotype the grandmas out there, but when you think of yours, what do you think of? Probably floral perfume and a pocket, purse, and house full of hard butterscotch candies, right? Maybe, if you have a grandma who likes a bit of chocolate with her butterscotch candies, like America’s Grandma the late Betty White, she’ll have a stash of Snickers somewhere too.

So, in honor of all the fabulous grandmas out there, Snickers is releasing a new flavor that pays homage to a love of butterscotch. The new flavor, Butterscotch Scoop, adds a butterscotch-flavored nougat to the classic peanuts, caramel, and milk chocolate of a Snickers.



Snickers Butterscotch Scoop is a limited-edition flavor, meaning it’s only available for a short period of time, and a Walmart exclusive. The new bar will begin rolling out nationwide in July, so keep an eye on the Snickers displays at your local Walmart.

We Tried Snickers Butterscotch Scoop

We were among the first to try Snickers' new flavor before it hit shelves, and it definitely does Grandma proud. It can be hard to add a new flavor to the already incredibly flavorful Snickers—with the peanuts, caramel, nougat, and chocolate, there’s a lot to compete with. Butterscotch Scoop doesn’t go head-to-head by adding another flavor, instead, it quietly mingles with the nougat for a butterscotch flavor that comes through but doesn’t overpower.

You might be thinking, how can you even taste the butterscotch when there’s already caramel? That's a good point, but the butterscotch flavor does stand out on its own. Butterscotch is made with butter and a different sugar than caramel, so it does have a distinct, buttery flavor.

If you like butterscotch—even if it’s not as much as grandma likes butterscotch—you’d probably like this Snickers flavor. And, if nothing else, it sure does feel nostalgic to bite into one of these bars.