Smugglers' Notch, VT, Closes For The Season

Smugglers' Notch in Vermont penned a simple goodbye to the ski season on Sunday, writing to Instagram, "that’s all folks. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for joining us this winter."

Because no one's quite ready to admit the season is over, officials added, "opening day will be here again before we know it. Ski you soon," to end with a little joke. See below.

Jokes aside, the resort came up a little short this season compared to their average snowfall.

On average, Smuggs' reports an average annual snowfall of 23 feet, "Mother Nature loves to dump snow on Smuggs! Our seasonal average for snow accumulation is nearly 280 inches!"

This year, the resort saw a season total of 264 inches (compared to an average of 276). Apparently the "late season pow party" came to an end with the warmer temps and rain.

Just last Thursday, in fact, Smugglers' Notch was as steep and deep as it gets, but spring in New England is always a toss up, and for Vermont this season things were a little tougher than normal.

However, Smuggs' enjoyed some highlights: being in the path of totality for the solar eclipse. Officials deemed it "a day (err night?) they won't soon forget." See below.

The resort also celebrated the end of the season with a double pond skim. What is that, you may ask?

A pond skim course, Grand Slalom style, leading into a classic, cold, man-made pond.

Officials at Smuggs' thanked the Mountain Ops team for "the one-of-a-kind-course that they put together providing many thrills and spills." See below.

Building that course was possibly even more fun than actually attempting it. But that looks pretty fun, too.

All in all, Smugglers' Notch provided Vermont skiers with a season to remember. But, even though it's still spring, we're already dreaming about next season.

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