'A Smooch for My Pooch'—50 Pawfect Instagram Captions To Post on National Puppy Day

Cute and funny words (with more bark than bite) to describe your furry friend.

Although every day is a good day to celebrate our rambunctious little canines, there are some extra special days designated for these sweet pups throughout the year, and Thursday, March 23 is National Puppy Day! There are sure to be some adorable photos shared all day long—almost everyone in the world enjoys seeing pet photos, and puppies are simply irresistible. But before sharing your photos on social media, you'll likely want to have a good caption to go along with your image. Luckily, we have come up with 50 National Puppy Day Instagram captions to inspire you.

They call dogs (or puppies) man's best friend for a reason. After all, who wants to spend more time with you than your own furry sidekick? Puppies are so loving and loyal. And since they are by your side as often as possible, it's easy to capture some great pics.

Whether you take photos of your puppy playing hard or sleeping in their cozy dog bed, every occasion is adorable and Instagram-worthy for sure. Finding a caption to go along with your photo doesn't have to be difficult since we did all of the work for you! Just scroll through our list of 50 National Puppy Day IG captions and pick a favorite to match up with your content—your furry friend and your feed will be happy.

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50 Best National Puppy Day Instagram Captions

1. Just paws and enjoy all this cuteness.

2. A smooch for my pooch.

3. How is this for some tail-wagging fun?

4. I rescued this little fur ball and now he thinks I'm a superhero.

5. My best friend slobbers.

6. You can't beat a puppy's unconditional love.

7. He's not trained yet so he's a little ruff around the edges.

8. Make no bones about it, this puppy is the cutest.

9. My puppy is not a backseat driver. Probably because he prefers the front passenger seat.

10. My puppy and I had a tail-wagging, drool-dropping good time.

11. I need some of this puppy energy.

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12. Puppy love.

13. I taught my puppy to sit so we could relax.

14. His bark is nothing compared to his tiny sharp tooth bite.

15. You can't buy happiness, but you can rescue it.

16. Love is a wet nose and a wagging tail.

17. My puppy is my personal trainer.

18. Getting up several times during the night makes me look haggard and my puppy just keeps looking cute.

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Cute Puppy Instagram Captions

19. Puppy kisses are the best.

20. I wish people were as easy to train as puppies.

21. Can't get enough puppy snuggles.

22. I finally found a challenging tug-of-war opponent.

23. My favorite companion walks on four legs.

24. Having a guard puppy is like carrying a squirt gun for self-defense.

25. Everything is a teether for puppies.

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26. He may be just a poodle pup but he thinks he's a fully grown shepherd.

27. He only sounds fur-ocious.

28. After 250 tries, he finally found his tail.

29. I'll follow his paw prints anywhere.

30. When I say, "Jump," my puppy thinks, "How high?"

31. The definition of "shadow" is this pup.

32. I'm totally mutts about my puppy.

33. Obviously, my puppy is used to the pup-arazzi.

34. The road to my heart is paved with paw prints.

35. I don't need a therapist, I have this sweet puppy.

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Funny Puppy Instagram Captions

36. This puppy never stands up for himself, he just rolls over.

37. My purse puppy always gets lost at the bottom of my bag.

38. It's exhausting holding a leash!

39. No matter what I throw at him, he always gives it back.

40. Posing for the camera!

41. My puppy is a bit pugnacious.

42. He's not fat, he's Husky.

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43. You know it's true love when you don't mind all the shedding.

44. The only thing cuter than my puppy is....nothing.

45. It's amazing what a dog treat will do for you.

46. First time at the groomers!

47. My puppy is going to be huge when he grows into his paws!

48. Be the person your puppy thinks you are.

49. It's my paw-ty, I can bark if I want to.

50. First he stole my shoes, then he stole my heart.

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