This New Smart Clock Wakes You Up (and Can Even Help Plan Your Day)

Say goodbye to that annoying iPhone alarm for good.

We all know sleep is important and precious, so when you wake up from the slumber of your dreams, it can be hard to stay awake, especially if you’re prone to hitting the snooze button more than you should. If you’ve tried just about every kind of alarm clock and still have a problem waking up, let me introduce you to the latest smart home gadget that you never knew your bedroom needed.

After trying the new Smart Clock from Lenovo, I don’t think I’ll ever go back to a traditional alarm clock (or that annoying iPhone alarm tone) ever again. While I’ve tested the sunrise alarm clocks that gradually wake you up with light, I’ve found them to be too bulky on my nightstand, especially if you’re tight on space. But Lenovo’s clock is only four inches wide, so it’s small enough to fit on your nightstand along with books, candles, your phone, and other nighttime necessities—and it still has the sunrise function where the screen’s brightness gradually increases as a gentle wake-up call.

Even though the screen is only four inches, it’s a powerhouse. Since it’s 2019, of course this alarm clock does more than just get you up on time—it’s voice-controlled thanks to its built-in Google assistant. You can customize your entire morning routine by setting custom alarms and choosing what Google will tell you as your alarm goes off, from the weather forecast to your morning playlist on Spotify. And not only can you continue to check your calendar throughout the day on the clock’s screen, you can control all your smart home devices via one easy-to-use dashboard since the Lenovo is made to support more than 30,000 products, including Phillips’ smart light bulbs, Wemo smart plugs, and Nest thermostats.

Lenovo Smart Clock with the Google Assistant

To buy: $80;

Because I can’t stand any extra lights on in my room, I was worried the clock would have a super bright screen, but it actually automatically dims at night when your lights are off. And if you always forget to plug your phone before you go to bed, the clock also comes with a handy USB port so you can recharge it nearby.

While I found the alarm clock’s sounds and sunrise emulator to be more soothing than any alarm I’ve ever had, you can easily snooze it by tapping the clock or stop it by saying “stop” (which is a bit dangerous for someone who isn’t an easy riser). And if you’re wary of using smart speakers in your home for privacy reasons, the Lenovo Smart Clock comes with a switch on the back so that you can stop the device from listening—just switch the microphone to “off.”

As a speaker, alarm clock, phone charger, calendar, and home control hub all-in-one, you really can’t go wrong with this smart clock, especially if you’re ready to dip your toes into smart home devices.