Slutty Pumpkin Bars Are The Fall Dessert We Deserve

Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton
Photo credit: Jonathan Boulton

From Delish


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I know we've gotten a lot of slack for using the term "slutty" in recipes. I want to set the record straight. These little squares of heaven are proud, strong brownies and they will not be reduced to a single derogatory descriptor. They hold their pumpkin high and they should be treated with respect. I'm not exactly sure why we call them slutty, but let me assure you, they've taken the word back in a major way.

Photo credit: Jon Boulton
Photo credit: Jon Boulton

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's focus on the good stuff. These are brownies, topped with a layer of Oreos, topped with a layer of pumpkin cheesecake, topped with MORE crushed Oreo's and drizzled with warm caramel. Are you convinced? You should be. This is a fall dessert turned up to 11.

Photo credit: Jon Boulton
Photo credit: Jon Boulton

The best part is as impressive as they look, they're actually not that hard to make. We used our favorite brownie mix to cut down on extra ingredients, but feel free to make your own from scratch if you're feelin' it. After the layer of Oreos, you can pour your pumpkin cheesecake batter right on top. Miraculously, the cheesecake and brownie bake at the same rate, leaving you with a truly legendary dessert. Now that's something to be proud of.



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