Slow-Cooker Pastas Are the Easiest Way to Indulge in a Lazy, Decadent Meal This Summer

Slow-cooker pasta might be the ultimate weeknight game-changer. It’s a broad category—a slow-cooker pasta dinner can be anything from brothy tomato soup with noodles, to a hearty alfredo—but a universally popular one, which means you really can’t go wrong. If you’re in the mood for a particular flavor, chances are you can work that flavor into an easy pasta—and an easy pasta you can whip up in your slow cooker, at that.

Slow-cooker pasta might not be intuitive, since normally you use a slow-cooker for recipes with long cooking times, not quick dishes. But in certain circumstances, the slow-cooker pasta route is a real time saver. You can get dinner ready to go in the morning, set it to...

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