34 Slow-Cooker Christmas Recipes for the Busy Holiday Season

It's no secret that Southerners cherish the holiday season. We embellish our homes with Christmas lights, break out our best passed-down recipes, and spend time with family and friends who travel from near and far to spend quality time with loved ones.

Even if Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, it's also one of the busiest as we book our calendars with events. Our schedules fill up months in advance with holiday parties, church potlucks, and community service projects, but the list goes on and on. How can we keep up with our ever-growing agendas and find the time to prepare praiseworthy meals for guests? The answer is easy: break out the slow-cooker.

That's right! Slow-cooker Christmas recipes are going to be your holiday superheroes. Whether you're looking for a hearty beef soup, flavorful casserole, or indulgent breakfast treat, there's something here for everyone. Give these Christmas crockpot meals a try next time you're in a pinch for time.