Sleepy Dog Struggles to Stay Awake Whenever Mom Sings to Him

This honestly couldn't be sweeter.

If you had anyone who loved you as a child they at some point probably sang to you. It's a core memory for a lot of people and there's just something about hearing a lullaby or singing a lullaby that makes people sleepy and sort of sad and nostalgic. We are looking at you Dumbo and Dumbo's mom with "Baby Mine." SOBS!

You may want to grab the Kleenex for this lovely video the super talented @MandiFisherMusic uploaded to TikTok. We aren't crying, you're crying!

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This is just too precious and a totally perfect song choice. TikTok users are loving this sweet lullaby with @KBR commenting, "If I've ever seen or heard anything more beautiful I sure don't remember it." Awwwww. @Chris replies, "You have a lovely voice and your pet is a sweetheart." @Dshes replies, "You have an amazingly beautiful voice. And an adorable dog!" @Bobiisherefornow types, "Tell your fur baby that I was dozing off too. Beautiful fur baby and beautiful voice."

@AliciaCathleen posts how a lot of us are feeling with, "Okay. Why did this make me cry." If you'll excuse us, we have something in our eye.

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