How to sleep better: 10 tips to instantly up your bedtime routine game

Are you struggling to fall asleep every night? Do you find yourself tossing and turning for hours before finally drifting off? You're not alone. According to a 2020 CDC survey, 14.5% of adults regularly had trouble falling asleep over a 30-day period. Yikes!

While sleep is vital to our well-being, it’s easy to let those little, often overlooked bad habits disrupt our rest. That's why we’re here to help you curate a bedtime routine that will have you drifting off to dreamland in no time. From soothing rituals that prime your body for sleep to the power of consistency and the impact of screen time, we're breaking down all the ways you can tweak your routine to get better sleep. Remember, great days start with good nights, and we're here to ensure that you sink into blissful slumber the moment you hit the hay.

Watch the video above to learn how to create a bedtime routine to help you fall asleep faster and get better sleep.

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How to fall asleep faster and get better sleep with your bedtime routine

  • Light Management:

    • Dim or turn off lights 30 minutes before bed to signal your body to wind down and prepare for sleep, especially bright lights and blue light from screens which can disrupt melatonin production.

  • Screen Time Reduction:

    • Avoid screens, including phones and TVs, for at least 60 minutes before bedtime to allow your body to naturally transition into sleep mode by reducing exposure to blue light.

  • Herbal Tea Ritual:

    • Enjoy a cup of caffeine-free herbal tea, such as chamomile or lavender, to promote relaxation and create a soothing bedtime ritual.

  • Caffeine Control:

    • Limit caffeine consumption to before 12 p.m. for better sleep quality.

  • Relaxation Techniques:

    • Practice bedtime breathing or stretching exercises to release tension and relax your body and mind.

  • Bedtime Routine Incorporation:

    • Incorporate a calming and consistent evening skincare or oral care routine to promote relaxation and signal your body to wind down for sleep

  • Reading Before Bed:

    • Engage in reading before bed instead of watching TV to reduce exposure to screens and blue light, engage the mind in a calming activity, and create a peaceful atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

  • Consistency in Routine:

    • Maintain a consistent nighttime routine to reinforce your body's sleep-wake cycle and improve overall sleep quality.

  • Regular Bedtime:

    • Stick to a consistent bedtime to regulate your body's internal clock and enhance sleep consistency.

  • Bed Association:

    • Consistently using your bed for sleep trains your brain to associate it with rest. Spending excessive time awake in bed can disrupt this association, making it harder to fall asleep.

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Reviewed-approved relaxation recommendations

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: How to get better sleep: Tips to optimize your bedtime routine