What Would Slater Do? Surfing Great Chooses Between Wave Pools and the Ocean

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Kelly Slater is the undisputed GOAT of professional surfing.

At nearly 52, he's not done yet. The eleven-time world champ just scored an invite to The Eddie, is set to surf in Da Hui's Backdoor Shootout this month, and just released his newest board design, The Great White Twin.

Meanwhile, he's got people dreaming about surfing his new baby, Surf Abu Dhabi, and his first born, the Surf Ranch in California, both of which come with a hefty price tag.

In the video above from Firewire Surfboards, Slater talks about The Great White Twin, and chooses between wave pools and the ocean.

Firewire captioned the video:

"Kelly Slater LIVE in Conversation at Rip Curl San Clemente with The Great White Twin"

For almost 20 minutes, the video show clips of Slater surfing the board and talk about its details. It makes sense, since it is a promo session after all.

Eventually, they open it up to take questions from the audience.

A young woman asks:

"How do you like surfing in the wave pool compared to the ocean? And if you had to do one for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?"

"Good question. I'd choose the ocean because there's just so much variety and so many waves I want to surf and love. And, my favorite waves in the world are in the ocean."

But, he adds:

"Funny enough, Mark Richards, four-time world champion has been up the Surf Ranch a number of times. He told me if he could only surf one wave the rest of his life, it'd be Surf Ranch."

He sums it up:

"Different strokes for different folks."

Press play above to hear more.


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