Extreme Sport Professionals, What Are Your Wildest Secrets And Stories From On The Job?

Extreme sport instructors, we wanna hear about your wildest ✨secrets and stories✨ from on the job.

HuffPost / giphy.com

Skydiving, bungee jumping, parasailing, paragliding, rock climbing, and motocross instructors — and etc.!!! — we're talking to you!!!!!!!!!

Maybe you're a skydiving instructor and the amount of times you've actually had to pull your backup parachute is STAGGERING, but you'd NEVER let a client know.

Thomas Rhett / giphy.com

Or perhaps, you teach people how to bungee jump for a living, and you have to "test" the bungee cord every day — so you essentially get to jump for free!!!

CBS / giphy.com

Or maybe, you're a professional rock climber, and you have a near-death experience story that shocks everyone who hears it.

Madman Films / giphy.com

So, if any of these pertain to you, please share your secrets and/or stories in the comments below or in this anonymous Google form. The wildest entries may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post or video!!!