The Sky Today, September 27, 2021

At 1:11 p.m.: The moon is square Neptune

Today’s cosmic weather is quiet until the Gemini moon squares off with Neptune in Pisces in the early afternoon, causing us to adopt an increasingly skeptical stance on the facts presented to us. And yet, the more we dig for answers, the more questions seem to arise. It’s important at this time that we don’t make any knee-jerk decisions or sign contracts in an attempt to pin things down. With our intuitive compass malfunctioning, we may seek out consultants, therapists, or even astrologers to explain the energy of the day. But be mindful that their perspective is equally being filtered through this transit! Instead of trying to make sense of it all, we may choose to give ourselves fully over to fantasy by reading, writing, watching television, or creating poetry or art. The less critical the activities, the better, until this aspect separates.

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At 4:25 p.m.: The moon is trine Jupiter

In the late afternoon, the moon trines Jupiter in Aquarius, an aspect of generosity and giving. While the moon is in chatty Gemini, one way that we can share of ourselves is through conversations. It is an ideal occasion for throwing a party or salon, even if it happens to be through a zoom call, gathering friends together for lively socializing and discussion. Our relationships improve because we are not trying to “win” anything but the pleasure of others’ company. And with the stakes being low, we might be introduced to new concepts we have never considered. With our bubbles being thus expanded, we consider the ways in which our words and actions have a ripple effect on our communities.

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