The Sky Today, September 22, 2021

At 6:12 a.m.: Mercury is square Pluto

In the morning, Mercury in Libra creates a square to Pluto in Capricorn, creating difficulties in communication and unearthing hidden information. While this is a good time for research, we can become obsessive in our pursuit of knowledge. And although we are investigating under the premise that we care about the truth, when truths come to light, they may not fit our narrative, which will make us want to bury them again. Choices must be made here. Are we willing to change our minds when presented with contrary evidence? Or do we care more about clinging to the power we retain in our moral superiority? Once something has been seen, it is hard to un-see it.

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At 12:21 p.m.: The sun enters Libra

After noon, the sun enters Libra, the sign of its fall, and over the next month, preserving the peace in our relationships becomes our primary focus. We consider the people we engage with as an extension of our own ego, identifying with those who act as our mirrors or struggling with those who act as our triggers. We’ve all met someone whose personality bothers us, but who we later realize is rubbing us the wrong way because they exhibit character traits that we have tried to suppress in ourselves. Their mannerisms make us more aware of when we sacrifice authenticity for amicability. During Libra season, we feel our best when our relationships function smoothly, but because conflict is inevitable, we also must negotiate fair compromises and manage disputes without becoming passive-aggressive or resorting to superficial solutions.

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