The Sky Today, September 19, 2021

At 7:26 a.m.: The moon is trine Venus

In the morning, the Pisces moon creates a trine to Venus in Scorpio, an influence of romance and magic! Motivated by a mixture of passion and idealism, we seek out the kind of intimacy that transcends mundane experience. This is an aspect of fated attractions with individuals who meet us on a soul level. We are magnetically drawn to those who are fearless in exploring their desires, making this an extremely potent period for sensual sex and erotic play. However, it is not required that we have a partner to enjoy this occasion, as self-pleasuring can see us achieving equally ecstatic results. We can also utilize this transit for creative, artistic, and spiritual practices; any activities that inspire us to dive beneath the superficial and achieve a deeper relationship to our own divinity.

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At 3:26 p.m.: The moon is sextile Uranus

Mid-afternoon, the moon creates a sextile to Uranus in Taurus, a signature of chance encounters and unexpected meetings, which verge on the miraculous! A serendipitous series of events can reshape our perspective and alter our behaviors and biases for the better, and in particular, we might adjust our approach to money, resources, and our environment at large. While Uranus’ influence can sometimes create anxieties born of a resistance to change, we now feel invigorated and excited, aware that although life doesn’t always pan out in the way we expect, an infusion of novelty can serve as a reminder of all the possibilities that are available to us provided that we remain present and receptive.

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