The Sky Today, September 16, 2021

At 8:23 a.m.: The moon enters Aquarius, and the moon void of course ends

In the morning, the moon enters Aquarius, inspiring us to break from tradition. Our mood is more detached at this time, allowing us to see the unfamiliar in an objectively less threatening light. Change, progress, and modernization are our concerns now, and anything that arouses our interest in novelty will be given priority of attention. We should simply be mindful that our even-keeled attitude to interactions and conversations can be misinterpreted as aloof or cold.

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At 10:19 a.m.: The moon is trine Mars

Later in the morning, the moon trines Mars in Libra, offering us motivation and concentration. This aspect communicates that true fairness can only be achieved when we have the courage to stand in our individuality. We might think that we can only reach an agreement (or win!) if we are in complete accord with others about the specifics. However, true peace requires us to reveal our biases and progressive intentions. An unusual approach jars us out of our indecisiveness and prompts us to make a real choice.

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