The Sky Today, September 14, 2021

At 2:21 a.m.: The sun is opposite Neptune

In the pre-dawn hours, the Virgo sun opposes Neptune in Pisces, a transit that focuses on dissolving our boundaries. It is challenging now to get a realistic gauge on situations. We are more willing to sacrifice ourselves under the assumption that it is for the greater good. As the border between our own energy body and others’ becomes fuzzy, we can get lost. Faith may be our folly, lulling us into a false sense of security, or into the trap of a predatory character. Beware surrendering common sense to fantasy, and strive to monitor both your decision-making practices, and the depths of your devotion.

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At 3:57 a.m.: The moon is square Mars, and the moon void of course begins

In the late afternoon, the Sagittarius moon squares off with Mars in Virgo, provoking anxiety and restlessness. The desire to escape can cause us to blame our issues on others’ “deficiencies” and the broken systems that surround us. Although we can use our willpower to face our troubles now, we become aggressive and angry if we cannot immediately “fix” things. If we expect to have full agency, and to not be seen as a victim, we also must acknowledge our part in creating the issues in front of us. Failure to do so will only create discord with loved ones, family, and coworkers.

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