The Sky Today, September 10, 2021

At 9:17 a.m.: Mercury is inconjunct Uranus

In the morning, Mercury in Libra forms a quincunx to Uranus in Taurus. Although this is an aspect that fosters misunderstandings, some confusion will actually help us to see matters from a different angle. Fresh insights free us from our mental hamster wheel, even if we’re not quite sure how to apply them at present. This shift in perspective inspires us to acknowledge that freedom of speech is of paramount importance. Yet, free speech doesn’t mean hogging the mic and muting others. It means being honest in our convictions and holding space for diverse opinions.

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At 11:53 a.m.: The moon is square Saturn

Just before noon, the Scorpio moon squares off with Saturn in Aquarius, making us moody and despondent. At this time, circular thinking can depress us and cause us to fall victim to dark moods. In response, we retreat from public view. Although we believe we are protecting ourselves by adopting boundaries, we are actually self-isolating because our confidence has faltered. This transit will pass relatively quickly, so we should avoid jeopardizing our relationships by attempting to address conflict at this time.

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