The Sky Today, October 15, 2022

At 9:11 a.m.: The moon enters Cancer, and the moon void of course ends

In the morning, the moon enters Cancer, ending its void of course which began last night. Over the next two days, the moon is the only body besides Neptune transiting a water sign. As such, it provides much-needed elemental balance during a period currently dominated by planets in cerebral air signs.  We can get out of our heads and into our hearts at this time. Our emotional equilibrium hinges around creature comforts: long naps, good food, warm showers. We may choose to surround ourselves with familiar people or nostalgic items to feel safe.  However, our moods often fluctuate in the sign of the Crab. Vacillating feelings can be tempered by meditation, music, or aromatherapy. Somatic techniques can also be employed for self-soothing.

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At 11:44 a.m.: The moon is square Jupiter

Before noon, the moon squares Jupiter, an influence that we can use for socializing and catching up with loved ones. Although this transit will probably pass without incident, we may have difficulty defining our limits now.  The Cancer moon inclines us to mood swings, and Jupiter suggests mitigating unease or discomfort with more of whatever happens to make us feel good in the moment. We can go overboard eating and drinking if we don’t set some personal boundaries.  We also risk crossing others’ boundaries and attempting to provide unsolicited support, consolation, or nurturance. Taking the focus off ourselves to be of use to another might be briefly pacifying, but if someone has not asked to be comforted, we should respect their autonomy. Instead, we might utilize this opportunity to get more deeply in touch with our spiritual center through meditation, education, and introspection.

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