The Sky Today, November 4, 2021

At 5:46 a.m.: The moon is square Saturn

In the morning, the Scorpio moon squares Saturn in Aquarius, which can cause us to feel emotionally drained or frustrated. We find it hard to express ourselves at this time, as we fear exposure, and expect ridicule if we are vulnerable. We may have urgent responsibilities to attend to, ones which require us to remain detached so we can accomplish what is required. Yet, below the surface, we are spinning in a whirlpool of our feelings, isolated from those who would be willing to lend a helping hand.

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At 2:15 p.m.: The moon is conjunct the sun

In the afternoon, the Scorpio new moon encourages us to find different ways of owning and embodying our power. Part of this process involves deeply engaging with the unconscious mind to discover our manifestation potential. Ask yourself, what inspires you? How do you connect to your passions? How might you free yourself of fear by running towards the unknown instead of away from it? However, this new moon also finds the sun making its annual opposition to Uranus, which can unleash nervous energy and thwart us from maintaining the concentration necessary to compose our intentions. Adaptation is a key part of this new moon, the understanding that freedom and experimentation must be the basis for self-actualization. Yet, mundane or environmental concerns (relational, financial, ecological) could prevent us from recognizing the potency of our magic, and something external may need to crumble before we find our footing. These lessons may be comfortable, but if managed with an open mind, growth in this lunar cycle is assured.

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